Very very very big duck
Very very very big ducks are a very very very rare kind of ducks. They belong to the very very very big duck family of Ducklands (also known as Docklands).
Very very very big ducks have been existing for a very very very long time, and they were first seen from very very very far away by Thematic Role. Thematic thought that these very very very big and very very very rare ducks must have been a kind of agent, being intermediates between gigantic gigantic gigantic ducks and really really really small small small ducks. Most history books ignore the existence of very very very big ducks, because they are so very very very rare that it is not worth mentioning them. The official name for the very very very big duck is "maximus maximus maximus duckus", and comes from the latin root of the word "bread".
Description of the Very very very big duck[edit | edit source ]
In the 1620s, God decided to first make the very very very big duck. The first very very very big ducks to ever exist used to have very very very small teeth but take very very very big mouthfuls when eating, which was somewhat stupid. Therefore, God saw his mistake and killed these ducks. Scientologists claim that God does not exist, but that is irrelevant. God does not believe they exist either.
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The modern very very very big ducks have very very very big ears, very very very big beaks, very very very big penises, very very very big stomachs, very very very big earlobes, very very very big pupils, very very very big chests, very very very big backs, very very very big spines, very very very big bones, very very very big minds, very very very big feet, very very very big feathers, very very very big mouths, very very very big eyes, are able to take very very very big footsteps in very very very short periods of time, and need a very very very big amount of food to operate.
Very very very big ducks made their impact on the earth by stamping on the two poles of the earth, therefore causing it to take the shape of an egg. Global warming is also attributed to very very very big ducks, and it has been said that they are encouraging global warming very very very greatly because it will make the earth hatch, which will be very very very loud..
The influence of very very very big ducks in today's societies[edit | edit source ]
Very very very big ducks are unfortunately very very very rare today, as most of them were killed during the KFC uprising in order to make easy money.
The very very very big duck served as a (very very very big) model for the creators of Jurassic Park, and the big velociraptor in the 10th movie is actually a very very very small baby of a very very very big duck.
Other influences include the plans for the iPod Huge, which have been based off the idea of making a very very very big ipod so that very very very big ducks can listen to very very very nice tunes.
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A very very very big duck whose "hull length" (base of neck to base of tail) is about 24 feet, in inshore patroller mode, will dredge out and swallow and efficiently tracelessly digest any scuba divers that it comes across, including every bit of their equipment, very very very much like ordinary ducks catch and swallow and digest frogs. That is what happened to Commander Crabb in 1956, and many others down the years found in a very very very wrong place.
Jesus Fuck!
Jesus Fucking Christ!
Oh help, there goes Jimmy.