User talk:MsuCarencro
Archives and other archival materials. Suave gentlemen have archives.
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- No Rape: Rape is wrong!
Hello, <insert name here>![edit source ]
Remember to always stay in school, respect your parents, and follow your dreams.Or else...--M'su Carencro - Talk - Contributions - Blag 18:35, August 17, 2010 (UTC)
Ruddy hell! It's the UnSignpost[edit source ]
Now with 20% more ninjas!
Aug 19thish, 2010 • Issue 92 • Does anyone actually read this bit?
UnReviews - get involved!
- By UU
So how can YOU help? Well, we would have thought that was obvious, to be honest, but as we're dealing with Uncyclopedians here, we'll make it a little clearer: write an UnReview! You could go down the road of Modus's magnum opus UnMovie Review: The Dark Knight, and make a movie review, you could get all cultured on our asses, and go Shakespearian, or you could review something else entirely. The choice is, quite literally, yours!
Something helpful this way comes
- By UU
TKF has already started the ball rolling with a challenging audio request which is likely to be an early acid test for the project. If you have a Casio keyboard and some decent audio skills, get across there and get this thing working!
So, how can you get involved? Well, if you are skilled at adding awesome to pages in some way, watchlist the page, check it regularly, and stop hogging your wiki-fu to yourself! If you are in need of added awesomeness on your page, pop in a request and see what happens. If nothing else, it'll make Meep feel good about himself, and that's what it's all about, when you get right down to it. Right?
- 06:45, 12 August 2010 ChiefjusticeDS (Talk | contribs) blocked (Talk) with an expiry time of 2 Days (Don't blank pages, take drugs, or steal cars)
- 03:16, 9 August 2010 Rcmurphy (Talk | contribs) blocked Roman Dog Bird's Vag Stank (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of infinite (probably a troll, although the username could totally be a coincidence)
- 16:26, 8 August 2010 Mhaille (Talk | contribs) blocked Hyperbole (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 2 hours (taking top spot on the Hall of Shame.....might consider the need for a longer ban.....)
Perhaps some of you remember Sir Cornbread . I barely do. I do remember how he made the Village Dump smell pleasant...well, as pleasant as the wafting, mixed aromas of stale cornbread and garbage can be.
During his tenure at Uncyclopedia, Mr. Cornbread only had two features: rap and The Putz Who Stole Hanukkah. We're certain that if he would've stuck around he'd have 68,027.5 features, putting everyone else to shame but not rubbing it in our faces because I vaguely remember him being a nice guy or something. Now, this sounds ridiculous because Uncyclopedia only has 25,000 or so articles at present, but trust me on this one: this guy could write.
Like many great writers, Sir Cornbread wrote about topics he knew a lot about: hermaphrodites, unoriginality, ape-shit craziness, Thais, and was working on an article about ape-shit crazy Thai hermaphrodites. But as is usually the case with all great writers on Uncyclopedia, only the good (削除) die (削除ここまで) leave (削除) young (削除ここまで) early. The ones who stay are just kidding themselves.
--Chiefjustice 3DS 12:13, August 20, 2010 (UTC)
UnSignpost - This is definitely not late; you're just drunk[edit source ]
We're delivering it to your door anyways!
Sept 9th, 2010 • Issue 93 • Our definition of "weekly" may not match yours
The pee is weak - must be time for Pee Week!
- By UU
Yes, it would appear to be nearly time for the inaugural Uncyclopedia Pee Week ! It starts on Monday 13th September. So, the questions must be asked:
- Do you have an opinion, and want to give others the benefit of it?
- Do you want to help people who are looking for help with their articles?
- Do you want to get a shiny new template award thingy?
If the answer to at least one of those questions is "yes", you could be on your way to winning this soon-to-be prestigious competition! Just sign up here, and prepare to review as you've never reviewed before!
The best of the 5.5 years super-extravaganza begins!
- By UU
That's right, on the fifth of every month, a new vote will start to determine the best somethingorother of the 5.5 years that Uncyc has been in existence. This month's vote is already open, and it's for the writer of the 5.5 years. So get over there, vote, and make your voice heard! Again.
Asked for his feelings on seeing his brainchild getting off the ground like this, TKF exclusively told us: "My grand-uncle used to tell me "He who goes forth with a fifth on the Fourth, may not come forth on the fifth!" and I feel that's somehow relevant to this situation."
Anyone pointing out that by the time this finishes, Uncyclopedia will be around 6 years old will be asked not to point it out again.
UnNews main page
- By Socky
Someone suggested to completely revamp the UnNews main page and in an epic move of Uncyclopedia originality, decided to hold a vote on it. Some people farted.
- 06:16, 8 September 2010 Modusoperandi (Talk | contribs) blocked (Talk) with an expiry time of 1 week (You suck. Flaxmere too.)
- 04:13, 31 August 2010 Olipro (Talk | contribs) blocked (Talk) with an expiry time of 1 month (congratulations on bringing to our attention the fact you are a moron. you win a ban!)
- 05:47, 29 August 2010 RAHB (Talk | contribs) blocked Vertiqual (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 2 weeks (Hey now, some of my best friends suck a lot of cock.)
- 18:46, 27 August 2010 Mordillo (Talk | contribs) resurrected Mordillo (Talk | contribs) (Thank god I'm in Israel then!)
- 18:25, 27 August 2010 RabbiTechno (Talk | contribs) blocked Mordillo (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 1 day (According to my calculations, it's Shabbat in the 'Dam. Therefore, if you unblock yourself, you'll go to Hell. Ha ha ha!)
- 17:09, 21 August 2010 ChiefjusticeDS (Talk | contribs) blocked Magic man (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 15 Minutes (Update the score when you vote on VFH, cleaning up after you wears out my slippers)
- 02:44, 19 August 2010 Roman Dog Bird (Talk | contribs) blocked DarkWalrus (Talk | contribs) with an expiry time of 1 month (Poor edits, won't listen to advice, continuos ICU removal, smells really bad, etc. etc. god damn)
It's time to cover a true legend of the wiki this week, a name that still inspires awed whispers wherever connoisseurs of pee are gathered together: the one, the only One-eyed Jack ! OEJ, as he is more handily known, was for some time pretty much the only person who bothered to do any pee reviews at all. Fortunately, the ones he did were pretty awesome. And he had plenty of knowledge to back him up, having birthed some seriously good featured articles. But Jack didn't just write for features - he turned his hand to improvement - check his userpage to see just how many below-par articles across the wiki had the benefit of his gently healing touch, nudging their prose from lame to lollable with a deft sprinkle of goodness. Man, we need more people like this guy. Where is he now, anyways?
Mega Pleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 13:01, September 9, 2010 (UTC)
Upsilon Sigma Sigma October Newsletter[edit source ]
Ok guys, my bad. I was gone for a long time there. I found some free time recently so I'm hoping to get Upsilon Sigma Sigma started up again along with my other project, UnReviews.
At any rate, We're going to keep Weird, the August collaboration open. We're also going to go ahead and open up a November collaboration. The article on the queue that has the most votes is "Blockbuster" so that's the one we're going to do. You can find the collaboration page here. I'm probably going to disappear again because of school in a few weeks, so hopefully we can build up enough momentum here to keep our collaborations going. If you haven't noticed our previous collaborations have been huge hits, all have been featured on the front page. Hopefully "Weird" and "Blockbuster" will too in their own due time.
Looking forward to seeing you guys around the frat!
P.S. we have a FBotM nomination this month, make sure you go vote!
Founder -- Sir Sf13 (Talk) Upsilon Sigma Sigma's last completed collaboration CUN RotM FBotM VFH SK Maj. ΥΣΣ 2104 EST 22 Oct, 2010
Happymonkeywinter2011.jpg ¡¡¡ OLÉ !!! :)
--Shabidoo 10:41, February 24, 2011 (UTC)
It's beginning to look a lot like…[edit source ]
This page is a * Kiss My Ass* Holiday Competition entry.
------------Clark Griswold Award for Holiday Cheer 2021
Seasons Greetings!
It's that special time of year. A wonderful time for friends and family to rejoice in gaiety. Not you! You usually spend all of your hard-earned money on gifts for them, and now you just want to hibernate until your finances recuperate. Well, here at Uncyclopedia, entering our newest competition won't cost you a penny— Sign Up Today! (pretty please) ~Formerly Annoying Crap 14:58, 13 December 2021