A more elaborate gallery of all my exploits. These images are not used in my articles, but I'll find a place for them.
Taken from Terraria[edit | edit source ]
"Don't worry. I'll find a place for you."
The Wall of FleshTM
"I'll Rip your head off and shit down your neck if you copy that floppy!" Whoops! Wrong Duke.
Cute, isn't it?
A project tested by Boris, Daisy's Tower.
Alex in a special outfit on January 20, 2015.
Jesse McMinn, one of Canada's great heroes.
It's as if the Masters know what other [dirty] things I was doing with the passion.
Garry's Mod and misc.[edit | edit source ]
Wow! What an honor!
Claude, C.J., and Niko together. Pretty awesome . Who knew that the two would meet each other at one point or another?
Alex Kidd. Luckily, he's still appreciated.
Toon Link taking on a Guide statue with a Gravity Gun and basketballs.
The Defiler. Awesome, but impractical.
Some nice animations.
Close exposition kills.