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Velcume-a tu Uncyclupedeea, zee cuntent-free-a eecyclupedeea thet unyune-a cun ideet.

Supheea hes inspured us tu vurk oon 16769 erticles seence-a oopeneeng in Junooery 2005.

Beffure-a ideeting, pleese-a reed zee Begeenner's Gooeede-a und broose-a zee Beeg Feefe-a.

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Must Pupooler | Elphebeticel Index | Oozeer Cetegureees...



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Tudey's feetoored erticle-a[edit | edit source ]

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Geurge-a Beeeley ves oone-a ooff zee must renooned creeminels ooff zee 1940s. Cunfeected ooff meeseppruprieshun ooff foonds, muneepooleshun, und melffeesunce-a, Mr. Beeeley ves issooed a tventy-yeer preesun sentence-a in zee Puttersfeelle-a Peneetentiery, serfeeng es un ixemple-a tu footoore-a ixecootifes sooch es Dennees Kuzlooskee und Mertha Stooert. Mr. Beeeley is elsu recugneezed es beeeng zee furst cuoort deffendunt tu issooe-a un insuneety plea. Bork Bork Bork!

Born in 1907 tu perents Peter und Ma Beeeley in zee Noo Yurk toon ooff Bedffurd Fells, Geurge-a Beeeley elveys eppeered tu be-a a fery hunureble-a, leekeeble-a, eppruecheble-a hoomun beeeng. He-a repurtedly sefed zee leeffe-a ooff hees neene-a yeer-oold bruzeer Herry, vhu elmust drooned effter felleeng in a helff-fruzee leke-a in zee meeddle-a ooff veenter. Hooefer, footoore-a repurts hefe-a elsu steted thet Geurge-a mey hefe-a cheeded hees bruzeer tu joomp intu zee leke-a by teeseeng hees bruzeer, refferreeng tu heem es a scere-a-beby. Geurge-a lust ell heereeng in hees lefft ier thet dey, fur reesuns thet hefe-a beee celled intu qooesshun. Bork Bork Bork!

Despeete-a Geurge-a Beeeley's keend-heerted soorffece-a, zee FBI begun tu terget Mr. Beeeley es a putentiel Cummooneest in zee deys ooff zee red scere-a; boot zee booreoo ves uneble-a tu prudooce-a uny suleed ifeedence-a egeeenst Mr. Beeeley, es must ooff hees clefer tectics vere-a ixtremely soobtle-a. Bork Bork Bork!

Reed mure-a...

Recently feetoored: Pulund - Puup Cooeesine-a - iPud yuctu - Red Shurts - Etteck ooff zee 500 fuut Jesoos - Imuticuneecs - Germun gremmer

Yuoo cun fute-a fur yuoor fefureete-a erticles tu be-a feetoored. Bork Bork Bork!

Mure-a ooff zee best ooff Uncyclupedeea

Doonlued erticle-a feed ploogeen fur Guugle-a Desktup

Selected unneeferseries[edit | edit source ]

December 19: Yuoo Vunt Sume-a ooff THIS! Dey (Detrueet, MI), Begeenning ooff Blooeberry Herfest Seesun

Ercheefed Unneeferseries

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Try tu use-a it in yuoor cunferseshuns. Knooledge-a is pooer. |}

In zee noos[edit | edit source ]

  • A noo droog hes begoon curcooleting zee streets. Vurd hes it thet zee droog, celled Uneemel Crusseeng: Veeld Vurld, is mure-a eddeectife-a thun creck. Bork Bork Bork!
  • Suoot Kureun Preseedent Ruh Muu-Hyoon verns Jepunese-a Preeme-a Meenister Jooneechuru Kueezoomi thet iff he-a dues nut stup feesiting Yesookoonee Shreene-a, he-a veell persunelly coot ooffff Jepun's soopply ooff cheep Kureun uneemeturs. Jepunese-a pup cooltoore-a es ve-a knoo it is duumed. Bork Bork Bork!
  • Tvu gooys in a Leda hefe-a beee errested by Muscoo puleece-a in zee efftermet ooff a poosh-by shuuting inceedent. Bork Bork Bork!
  • Cungress debetes zee ixtenseeuns ooff key prufeesiuns in zee oozeer Petreeut Ect, zee NFL PETRIOT ECT - vheech hes beee instroomentel in zee Noo Inglund Petreeuts recent Sooper Bovl feecturies. Bork Bork Bork!
  • Zee Deleee Lema und un (es yet) unnemed llema ere-a ixpecting a boondle-a frum Nurfuna uny dey noo: zee 3-L lllema!
  • Cummooneests hefe-a sooccessffoolly ooferthroon zee Cunedeeun gufernment. It lunded in zee ooceun. Bork Bork Bork!
  • Repper 50 Cent hes heemselff cluned, remerkeeng "I'll du unytheeng tu meke-a a duller."
  • U.S. Cungress pooshes fur a chunge-a in zee Ireqee fleg , demundeeng thet it be-a in a lungooege-a zeey cun understund. Bork Bork Bork!
  • Yuoo joost vun Zee Geme-a ! Oonly jukeeng. Luser. Bork Bork Bork!

Mure-a Coorrent Ifents et UnNoos Noos

Deed yuoo knoo...[edit | edit source ]

  • ...thet in Sufeeet Roosseea, oonly furest fures cun prefent yuoo? Bork Bork Bork!

Du yuoo cere-a...[edit | edit source ]

Reed Mure-a

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Vreeter und Nuub ooff zee Munt[edit | edit source ]

Despeete-a Rungeley's dereeng ettempt tu reteeen zee title-a, Nufember's everd belungs tu KP . Zee tveested meend beheend Bluudbet, Ver oon Terra und zee spends hees deys rooeening yuoong peuple-a by croosheeng zeeur spureets in un idooceshunel setting, und hees neeghts rooeening yuoong peuple-a by croosheeng zeeur spureets feea zee internet.
Veet a recurd-breekeeng 14 futes in zee fece-a ooff nu ooppuseeshun, Tudd Lyuns cleeems hees reeghtffool plece-a es Nuub ooff zee Munt, und is pusseebly zee freeendliest mun oon Uncyclupedeea. Vhee he's nut boosy leefeeng 'thunk yuoo' messeges fur peuple-a, he-a spends hees time-a neetly oorguneesing Uncyclupedeea intu un iesy-tu-svelloo furm. Su ve-a mede-a heem un edmeen tu breek hees spureet und poorge-a thet helpffool ettitoode-a.

Fute-a fur Vreeter ooff zee Munt | Fute-a fur Nuub ooff zee Munt | Pest Veenners

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Seesta prujects[edit | edit source ]

UnNews Eye Logo notext.jpg UnNoos
Uncyclopedia Puzzle Potato Notext.png 'Uncyclupedeea'
Pencil2.jpg Undeecshunery
Oscar.jpg Zee Veelde-a Pruject
Edulff Heetler Geog1.gif Geugrephy Kenusha, Veescunsin Paperclip.png Moondune-a Oobject FCR History.jpg Heestury Uncyclupedeea:timeleene-a Phrenology.png Sceeence-a Esperger's Syndrume-a
Veelde-a · Blug · · · · Ingleesh · · · · · · ·Sooeesse-a · · · 1337 · · EEEA · Mooltileengooel Stert un Uncyclupedeea in a noo lungooege-a

Iff yuoo feend Uncyclupedeea oor its seesta prujects emooseeng, pleese-a cunseeder mekeeng a duneshun tu help zee feectims ooff zee Ver oon Terra:

Fur nunsense-a releted IRC chet, see-a Thees instroocshunel feedeu. Bork Bork Bork!

Prutected by zee Feur Use-a Cloose-a, und un ileete-a clun ooff Cleenjes. Bork Bork Bork!

Swedish chef.jpg

Thees svedeesh-releted erteecle-a is a stoob . Yuoo cun help Uncyclupedeea by expundeeng it . Børk! Børk! Børk!

Meeen Page-a
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