User:Uncyclopedian/UnScripts:The Young and the Uncyclopedians/107
Episode 107:Aquarii's House of Scrubs[edit | edit source ]
(The episode begins in the hospital)
All Doctors: You are the clown. We recognise you. Go ENTERTAIN THE EBOLA PATIENT.
Ronalds: Dammit.
Doctor #3: You still have the red nose on.
Doctor #1: The shoes too.
Ronalds: But I REALLY do have a doctorate. See? <shows his doctorate>
Doctor #2: I know what a real doctorate looks like. That is a fake. And it is a doctorate in "commiecommiecommie".
Ronalds: Damnit. Fine. <leaves the room>
Doctor #2: ROUND ONE - (削除) FIGHT (削除ここまで) BEGIN OPERATION!
(Outside the room, Ronalds gets into his "Ubermensch" disguise. His radio goes off.)
Darth: What are you doing?
Ronalds: Trying to get in. <enters the room>
Aquarii: Lets see...<punches Ronalds, who runs out of the room>
Keira: (Heavy panting)
Aquarii: what the hell are you doing? Aren't you doctors? DO SOMETHING!
(Doctors start the operation)
Ronalds: Whatever. <Is hit by an egg thrown by the Ebola patient>
(A doctor comes by and watches Ronalds.)
Doctor #4: Hey, let's all point and laugh at the loser express!
Ronalds: Who are you supposed to be, Perry Cox?
Doctor #4: Well, actually I'm Hinoa Cox. I'm not as sarcastic nor as funny as my brother but it still makes me laugh that you are such a loser.
Ronalds: Hinoa!?! You! You!!! You!!! YOU!!!
Hinoa: Don't bust a vein, there Tiffany.
(Scene to the Commie Base, a huge battle erupted.)
Cerid: What are you yelling? <fires a pistol>
Adam: Just referencing good books. HE HAS A UNIBROW AND A TATOO OF AN EYE ON HIS ANKLE! HE MUST BE COUNT OLAF!!! <shoots a commie>
Han: Dang, that robot followed us!
PONG-05: <looks at the camera> Typical...Humans can be so robotists at times, shame! Shame on ye!
(Nikita places a magnet with a banana onto PONG-05's head. PONG thinks he's in WW-II)
(Pong turns his arm into a chaingun)
(Dizberg throws a snake at PONG, blowing it up)
CommTrooper: We need more troops!
(Scene to the Hospital. Ronalds had busted a vein and is now in a hospital bed.)
Hinoa: Christ, I didn't know how much of a wussy you were. Would you like me to get a care bear so you can feel all better?
Ebola Patient: Ha ha h-(Throws up blood)
Ronalds: Shutup.
(In Keira's room...)
Doctor #3: What the fuck? Stop playing with the syringe, Doctor!
Doctor #1: Why? It's fun.
Aquarii: Worst. Hospital. Ever.
Doctor #1: This is how I'm going to drink my coffee from now on.
Doctor #2: I get dibs on the x-ray machine after when we're on break!
Keira: Please... help...
(Doctor #2 and Doctor #3 tend to Keira)
Keira: (screaming)
(Meanwhile on the battlefield)
Zatoichi: I must avenge the knight's death with honor!
(Zatoichi takes out his katana screaming and slashing wildly, only to hit a wall.)
Zatoichi: Son of a bitch!
(Back in the hospital)
Doctor #2: Worst Ever Hospital.
Aquarii: I agree.
Doctor #3: Alright, the baby is almost out...
Doctor #1: Prepare the Cute Snugglebug.
Doctor #1: Of course not! It's for me!
Keira: (Heavy panting, then a scream)
Aquarii: It will be all right, Keira, you'll be okay...
Doctor #2: It's a breach baby!
Doctor #1: What the hell is that?
Doctor #2: It's a baby that comes out, feet first.
Doctor #1: Can I have sex with the baby?
Keira: What...
Everyone else: NO!
Doctor #1: How about sex with the nurse?
Nurse: Sure, James!
(The nurse and Doctor #1 have sex)
Doctor #3: Can we get a trained person in here?
(Doctor #2 pages Hinoa to the operating room.)
Hinoa: Well, Tiff, I've got to go. Oh, and here's your care bear so you can feel wanted, yes you can!
(Hinoa gives Ronalds a Carebear. He starts to cry.)
Hinoa: Hug him and he'll say adorable phrases that might make you feel like you have an actual security blanket.
(Hinoa leaves to the operating room.)
Hinoa: Well, Keira, the baby will come out just after I play darts in this room.
Doctor #3: I thought you said this guy was trai...
(Hinoa gets 50 bullseyes)
Hinoa: You were saying, Bob? Well, let me get this over and done with so I can antagonize Lassie.
(Hinoa completes the operation rather easily)
Doctor #1: It's bear!!!
Hinoa: It is a boy, dimwit!!!
Aquarii and Keira: Lets call him Kim Bauer Aquarii!!! NOW!
Doctor #1: Can I have sex with him and then throw him out the window onto the cute pink thingy?
(Aquarii breaks the Doctor's fingers and shoots him in the foot)
Keira: The baby's beautiful.
Doctor #1: Can I have a band-aid please?
Everyone else: NO!
Doctor #2: Okay Keira, your baby shall be in the nursery. You will be discharged in two weeks.
Keira: Thank you.
(Ronalds runs into the room)
Ronalds: No, but you can watch as I take the baby away!
(Ronalds snatches the baby, but Hinoa gets him by his patient suit)
(Aquarii shoots Ronalds and saves Kim B.)
Kim: Goo goo ga ga Ronalds bad bad commie.
Keira: He said his first words already...
Aquarii: Aww, he said his first anti-communist word, soon he'll be able to handle a P-90. That's my boy!
Kim: Goo goo previously ga 24.
Hinoa: How about I get you in your old suit Ronalds?
Hinoa: Strap him down, Bob!
Kim: Ba ga goo natives good goo commies bad bad. Me Aspie.
(Scene to the Commie base. The heroes stole a truck, and are escaping the base. Dizberg is driving. Adam, Han, and Braycat are in the truck bed shooting at communists)
(An entire platoon of CommTroopers follow the truck. Adam changes into a Hapkido(Korean martial art) gee. He is a Black and White Stripe belt.)
Han: They're sending jeeps with 9mms!
Braycat: Aquarii and Keira are missing, they may be foul, but I still miss them. (Fires arrows)
Adam: I need to practice my Hapkido.
Indy: Hapkido?
Adam: A Korean martial art. <does great roundhouse kick, snapping the neck of a commie climbing on the truck>
(The jeeps catch up, and fire)
(Credits roll, with Doctor #1 labeled as "idiot")
Watch the next episode, and look out for idiotic doctors...
Season One:
ABOUT - 55 - 56 - 57 - 58 - 59 - 60 - 61 - 62 - 63 - 64 - 65 - 66 - 67 - 69 - 70 - 71 - 72 - 73 - 75 - 76 - 77 - 78 - 79 - 80 - 81 - 82 - 83 - 84 - 85 - 86 - 87 - 88 - 89 - 90 - 91 - 95 - 97 - 100 - 102 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 - 110 - 111 - 112 - Season Finale
Season Two:
114 - 115 - 116 - 117 - 118 - 119 - 120 - 121 - 122 - 123 - 124 - 125 - 126 - 127 - 128 - 129 - 131 - 137 - Season Finale
Season Three:
149 - 150 - 155 - 162 - 163 - 164 - 165 - 166 - 167 - 168 - 169 - 170 - 171 - 172 - 173 - 174 - 175 - 176 - 177 - 178 - 179 - Season Finale
Season Four:
181 -
Episode lists and summary - List of characters - Auditions - In-Jokes