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In Soviet Russia guard bribes YOU
This user is a Registered User and they can upload images and move pages, whoopdie freakin doo.
UnNews Logo Potato.png This user is a reporter for UnNews because they couldn't get a job at a real newspaper.
uk -4
This user speaks Correct English at a near-native level.
uk -4
fr -G
This user does not speak Français and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Français speakers .
fr -G
bs -0
This user does not understand Bullsh!t (or understands it with considerable difficulties).
bs -0
sa -3
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of Sarcasm .
sa -3
This user plays guitar , because it attracts more groupies , and gets more solos than the bass .
Did you know? that Uncyclopedia has several thousand, more amusing articles than my userpage. Oh you know that, then why the hell are you hear. Moron.

"I think this is simply the greatest user page ever!"

~ Me on My User Page

"It's Shite"

~ Everyone Else in the Galaxy on My User Page

Ah, so you managed to get past my Russian guards and my quotes did you, I suppose thats something, most don't make it that far. My name is not important, all you need to know is I'm watching you, and your articles and if I see even the slightest opportunity to insert a fantastically witty quote I'll be there before you can say Oscar Wilde. Scared? You should be.

There will be no warning, no mercy just a swift one liner, capable of destroying your article. People will be so amazed by it that they won't bother reading the rest of whats on your page. Your readership will fall, then you won't be laughing, however everyone else will muhahahaha....

Articles Which Have Been Ruthlessly Attacked By My Quoting Powers (or other editing skills.)
-Team America: World Police
-Mr. T
-Russian Reversal
-Russian double reversal
-Russian quadruple reversal
-Matt Damon
-The AAAA-Team
-Al Capone
-Karl Marx
-Why the chicken crossed the road
More Coming Soon!

People/Groups of People Who Have Been Declared As Enemies For Crimes Against Er.. Me.
-Josiah Messiah, (削除) for being an idiot, having no sense of humour and talking about education WAY WAY too much. AND attempting to edit my user page, the pure cheek. What did I ever do to him hmm? (削除ここまで) is now no longer an enemy, put down the pitch forks.
-Anyone who knows Josiah, (削除) as they're all partly responsible damn it. (削除ここまで) has also been pardoned for crimes against the crown.
-Goths, as they depress me on purpose, cheer the F@*$ up!
-Emos for being cheap imitations of goths.
-Chavs, no explaining required.
-Bert, for being a major cause of global terrorism.

Note that anyone on this list will find their articles being attacked with quotes much quicker than everyone elses, before you can say Wilde. They are priority targets, fire at will.

People/Groups of People Who Will Not Have Their Articles Brutally Ripped To Shreads.
-Chuck Norris- Seriously would you pick a fight with him?
-Jesus- Seriously would you pick a fight with the Gee Man either?
-Microsoft- Their legal department would probably sue me for every penny I have!
-Mr T.- He don't need no quotes, his van is fast foo'.
-The Inventor of Russian Reversal- Is an absolute genius and deserves mutual respect.

Full Articles I Have Written Myself
UnNews:Media Embarassment as Bird Flu Fails to Harm...Anyone?
UnNews:Communists Shocked By Pro-Capitalist Protests

MUN.svg Member of the Order of Uncyclopedia
This person has successfully registered on Uncyclopedia. They
should be proud of themselves for making such a smart move.

This user is an iron fisted Capitalist, who believes in screwing the poor out of every penny they've got.
So just live with it you ruddy socialists! Stalin can kiss my ass!

Chuck Norris has endorsed this user by not roundhouse kicking him when they met in the street
Scientists are hailing this user as the first person to see Chuck Norris and live.

Fo' shizzle my nizzle! Black Jesus be down wit' dis sheeeet!

Yo Yo Yo! Wut' it iz mutha fucka! Themuppetshow iz like da bomb.
Fo' shizzle my nizzle!
So boi wut up? Y U B frontin? I'm down wit' Themuppetshow like im down wit' da big G-man.
U dig? If u aint I'll show U how my pimp hand is way strong. Kick yawl down 2 tha H-E-L-Lizzy.
Best chickity-check yo self before you wiggity-wreck yo self, fool. Word.

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