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#uncyclopedia:The Play, Directed by Doctor Wolfgang Amadeus Skullthumper[edit | edit source ]

[22:29]	<Zombiebaron>	Anyone got the URL?
[22:30]	<DrSkullthumper>
[22:30]	<DrSkullthumper>	Next time, bookmark it.
[22:30]	<DrSkullthumper>	It's a great site. It's like Wikipedia, but it thinks it's funny.
[22:30]	|<--	darkapostrophe has left (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:30]	<Zombiebaron>	Oh, aren't we the smarmy one tonight?
[22:30]	<DrSkullthumper>	It's the new balm.
[22:31]	<Zombiebaron>	Tiger?
[22:31]	<DrSkullthumper>	You know how I feel when you call me that, Zeebee.
[22:31]	<Zombiebaron>	No, Tiger balm.
[22:32]	<DrSkullthumper>	No, actually, it's pure cowbell.
[22:32]	<DrSkullthumper>	Because I was sick the other day, and I was like
[22:32]	<DrSkullthumper>	GUESS WHAT
[22:33]	|<--	Tayor has left (" ajax IRC Client")
[22:33]	<DrSkullthumper>	I GOTTA FEVER
[22:33]	<DrSkullthumper>	AND THE ONLY PRESCRIPTION
[22:33]	<DrSkullthumper>	IS MORE COWBELL
[22:33]	<Zombiebaron>	-FLAVORED TIGER BALM!!
[22:33]	<DrSkullthumper>	So I went to the doctor and the waiting room was too big and stuffy and filled with slimy babies covered in snot and other various bodily fluids
[22:33]	<DrSkullthumper>	So then I was like
[22:33]	<DrSkullthumper>	I'M A DOCTOR, I CAN DO IT MYSELF!
[22:33]	<Zombiebaron>	Oh.
[22:33]	<DrSkullthumper>	But then my fever spiked again and I thought I was Superman for the next 50 minutes
[22:33]	|<--	zombieninja has left ("You're all AWEFUL. Except Tayor <3")
[22:34]	<Zombiebaron>	What did you call your act?
[22:34]	<DrSkullthumper>	But then it returned to me, and I wrote my own prescription.
[22:34]	<Zombiebaron>	Are you talking to yourself and ignoring me?
[22:34]	<DrSkullthumper>	I believe I called it Act II.
[22:34]	<Zombiebaron>	Oh crap.
[22:34]	<DrSkullthumper>	Considering it came after Act I and certainly way before Act IV.
[22:35]	<Zombiebaron>	I'm not supposed to be on stage in Act II!
[22:35]	<DrSkullthumper>	Well run off before the director comes.
[22:35]	<Zombiebaron>	I've got to put on my makeup for Act III.
[22:35]	=-=	Boomsta|Dishes is now known as Boomsta
[22:35]	<Zombiebaron>	I play a deadite.
[22:35]	<Boomsta>	I've got makeup!
[22:35]	<Zombiebaron>	We know.
[22:35]	<Zombiebaron>	Dear.
[22:35]	<DrSkullthumper>	* Boomsta enters stage left
[22:35]	<Boomsta>	Oh, am I supposed to say something?
[22:36]	|<--	Tesfan has left ("ChatZilla 0.9.81 [Firefox]")
[22:36]	=-=	Boomsta is now known as Boomsta|Drag
[22:36]	* Zombiebaron	exits upstage, muttering about DADA and how none of this makes sense
[22:36]	<DrSkullthumper>	The line starts with "I stuck my..."
[22:37]	<EnzoAquarius>	:D
[22:37]	|<--	EnzoAquarius has left ("Excess Workage")
[22:37]	<DrSkullthumper>	Ah, Enzo's cameo is over
[22:37]	* Zombiebaron	enters downstage
[22:37]	<Boomsta|Drag>	Oh, dear. I stuck my tongue on the frozen light pole again! Isn't there a warm comforting person that can help me?
[22:37]	<Zombiebaron>	Is it Act III yet?
[22:37]	<DrSkullthumper>	Actually, we're back in Act I.
[22:38]	* TheDudeMan	enters from hell
[22:38]	<DrSkullthumper>	It's a very confusing script.
[22:38]	* UnIdiot	bustles in!
[22:38]	<UnIdiot>	What did i miss?
[22:38]	<Boomsta|Drag>	Oh, hang on then.
[22:38]	<TheDudeMan>	hello world who wants to die today?
[22:38]	* DrSkullthumper	pushes UnIdiot down the stage trapdoor
[22:38]	=-=	Boomsta|Drag is now known as Boomsta|Dishes
[22:38]	* UnIdiot	falls out of sight
[22:38]	<TheDudeMan>	well, that takes care of him!
[22:38]	<DrSkullthumper>	Indeed!
[22:38]	<Boomsta|Dishes>	Dramatic fight scene!
[22:38]	<DrSkullthumper>	Care for a cup of tea old... sport?
[22:39]	* DrSkullthumper	pulls out a hidden knife!
[22:39]	<TheDudeMan>	indubitable old chum
[22:39]	<DrSkullthumper>	AH HA U CAN HAZ DUBLE-CROSS?!
[22:39]	* Zombiebaron	stands on stage, watching the play
[22:39]	<TheDudeMan>	oh poo
[22:39]	* DrSkullthumper	stabs TheDudeMan in the back
[22:39]	<DrSkullthumper>	Zombiebaron! Get the fuck offstage!
[22:39]	* TheDudeMan	falls and dies
[22:39]	* DrSkullthumper	drops his script
[22:39]	<DrSkullthumper>	Fuckers.
[22:39]	=-=	Boomsta|Dishes is now known as Boomsta|Drag
[22:40]	<Boomsta|Drag>	No, Doc, don't go!
[22:40]	<TheDudeMan>	oh wait, what is this new energy flowing through me
[22:40]	<DrSkullthumper>	Act III, Scene Eight
[22:40]	=-=	User mode for TheDudeMan is now -e
[22:40]	=-=	User mode for ZombieDudeMan is now +e
[22:40]	=-=	YOU are now known as ZombieDudeMan
[22:40]	* Zombiebaron	exits down upstage left
[22:40]	<Boomsta|Drag>	Shit, ZB, act III!
[22:40]	* Zombiebaron	enters left downstage right
[22:40]	<ZombieDudeMan>	grar
[22:40]	<Zombiebaron>	HERE I COME TO SAVE THE DAY!!!!!
[22:40]	<ZombieDudeMan>	mrh?
[22:40]	* Zombiebaron	pulls out his boomstick
[22:41]	<ZombieDudeMan>	gyar...
[22:41]	<Boomsta|Drag>	...
[22:41]	* Zombiebaron	says some witty-action-dialouge
[22:41]	-->|	darkapostrophe has joined #uncyclopedia
[22:41]	<Zombiebaron>	"What ho!"
[22:41]	* Zombiebaron	fires boomstick
[22:41]	<ZombieDudeMan>	...
[22:41]	<ZombieDudeMan>	ouch
[22:41]	<Boomsta|Drag>	Ah! I'm hit!
[22:41]	* Boomsta|Drag	falls.
[22:41]	<Zombiebaron>	I think I killed that old man in the front row.
[22:41]	|<--	Charitwo has left (Connection reset by peer)
[22:41]	<DrSkullthumper>	Okay guys, time for the musical number
[22:41]	* ZombieDudeMan	's arm falls off
[22:42]	<Zombiebaron>	OH NO. IT WAS A WOMAN.
[22:42]	<Zombiebaron>	IN DRAG.
[22:42]	* ZombieDudeMan	dances while flailing his dismembered arm in the air
[22:42]	<Boomsta|Drag>	Tell my kids... the money's... under... sink...
[22:42]	<DrSkullthumper>	If you're blue and you don't know where to go to why don't you go where the fashion sits
[22:42]	<DrSkullthumper>	PUTTING ON THE RITZ.
[22:42]	* Boomsta|Drag	fixes makeup.
[22:42]	<Zombiebaron>	But the musical number's not till Act IX!
[22:43]	<DrSkullthumper>	My script's all out of order, so sue me!
[22:43]	<ZombieDudeMan>	i thought it was act VII
[22:43]	* DrSkullthumper	dresses Zombiebaron in a top hat and cane
[22:43]	-->|	Charitwo (n=Charitwo@wikia/Charitwo) has joined #uncyclopedia
[22:43]	<DrSkullthumper>	Different types who mm mmm mmmm blah uh what's the words da ad ada da da... PUTTIN ON THE RITZ
[22:43]	<Zombiebaron>	I was made for loving you?
[22:43]	<Zombiebaron>	You were made for loving me?
[22:43]	<DrSkullthumper>	I'm afraid your sister's dying.
[22:44]	<Boomsta|Drag>	Where's our token black guy?
[22:44]	<Boomsta|Drag>	This is his scene!
[22:44]	<Zombiebaron>	And I can't get enough of you baby?
[22:44]	<ZombieDudeMan>	*GASP* Charitwo comes back in act XI
[22:44]	<DrSkullthumper>	* BENSON enters upstage down
[22:44]	<Zombiebaron>	Can you get enough of me!?
[22:44]	* DrSkullthumper	diagnosis Charitwo with twelve different diseases, all fatal
[22:44]	<Zombiebaron>	How did BENSON find out about upstage down?
[22:44]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia +o Zombiebaron by ChanServ
[22:44]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia +m by Zombiebaron
[22:45]	* ZombieDudeMan	exits offstage poop
[22:45]	===	#uncyclopedia Cannot send to channel
[22:45]	<Zombiebaron>	No its time for my rivverting monolouge
[22:45]	<Zombiebaron>	Wherein I reveal myself to be the murderer
[22:45]	<Zombiebaron>	However, the wine is poisned!
[22:45]	<Zombiebaron>	You'll all die in 12 minutes
[22:45]	<Zombiebaron>	Unless you get the anitidote....
[22:45]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia -m by Zombiebaron
[22:45]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:45]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:45]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia -o Zombiebaron by ChanServ
[22:45]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:45]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:45]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:45]	* DrSkullthumper	says "fuck" dramatically
[22:45]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	CANNOT TALK!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	CANNOT TALK!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	CANNOT TALK!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	* ZombieDudeMan	is allready dead and cannot re die
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Starnestommy>	Boomsta|Drag: I can hear you, now SHUT UP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Zombiebaron>	You'd be a redead, Dude.
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<ZombieDudeMan>	hmm
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia +o Starnestommy by ChanServ
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<ZombieDudeMan>	i never thought about it thatway
[22:46]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia -o Starnestommy by ChanServ
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<DrSkullthumper>	* Starnestommy enters leftstage right
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia +o Starnestommy by ChanServ
[22:46]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia -o Starnestommy by ChanServ
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Starnestommy>	...
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	* DrSkullthumper	dresses Starnestommy in a fairy costume
[22:46]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia +o Starnestommy by ChanServ
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Zombiebaron>	:)
[22:46]	<Charitwo>	doctor shit
[22:46]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia -o Starnestommy by ChanServ
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Charitwo>	dick
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Charitwo>	fuck
[22:46]	<Starnestommy>	.............................
[22:46]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:46]	<Charitwo>	FUCK YOU
[22:47]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:47]	<DrSkullthumper>	CORRECT OUR XHTML
[22:47]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:47]	<Charitwo>	stfu
[22:47]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:47]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:47]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia +o Starnestommy by ChanServ
[22:47]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia -o Starnestommy by ChanServ
[22:47]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:47]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia +o Zombiebaron by ChanServ
[22:47]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:47]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:47]	<Starnestommy>	..........
[22:47]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:47]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:47]	<Boomsta|Drag>	HALP!
[22:47]	=-=	Boomsta|Drag was booted from #uncyclopedia by Zombiebaron (HALP!)
[22:47]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia -o Zombiebaron by ChanServ
[22:47]	<UnIdiot>	bang, gone
[22:47]	<DrSkullthumper>	Where was I
[22:47]	<Zombiebaron>	Act XX
[22:47]	<DrSkullthumper>	Only you can save us now, Starnestommy! Validate our XHTML and cure us!
[22:47]	<Zombiebaron>	Or was that Act II?
[22:47]	-->|	Boomsta|Drag has joined #uncyclopedia
[22:47]	<Starnestommy>	I was TRYING to kick him out
[22:47]	<Starnestommy>	...
[22:47]	<ZombieDudeMan>	ZOMG Zombiebaron kills off Boomsta in act XXX
[22:47]	<DrSkullthumper>	Act XX is where everybody dies
[22:47]	<Starnestommy>	FU ZB!
[22:47]	<Boomsta|Drag>	I'm so confused.
[22:48]	<Zombiebaron>	Starnestommy: No, FU.
[22:48]	<Zombiebaron>	:)
[22:48]	<Starnestommy>	Zombiebaron: yes, please
[22:48]	<DrSkullthumper>	Starnestommy! SAVE US!
[22:48]	<ZombieDudeMan>	no u
[22:48]	<Starnestommy>	DrSkullthumper: <br>
[22:48]	<Zombiebaron>	I don't need you to kick Boomsta when I'm around
[22:48]	-->|	Tayor has joined #uncyclopedia
[22:48]	<DrSkullthumper>	NOOOOOOOOOO
[22:48]	<DrSkullthumper>	You have turned on me
[22:48]	-->|	kirby has joined #uncyclopedia
[22:48]	<Zombiebaron>	That's not why you're an op here, Starnes
[22:48]	<ThePaleOne>	IT BURNNNNS
[22:48]	* kirby	incinerates Starnestommy
[22:48]	<DrSkullthumper>	* Tayor dances on leftstage penis
[22:48]	<Starnestommy>	<br>! <br>! <br>!
[22:48]	|<--	kirby has left (Client Quit)
[22:48]	<Boomsta|Drag>	I still don't get it.
[22:48]	<Zombiebaron>	You've got +10 for whn we're not here
[22:48]	<Tayor>	KIRBY!!!!!!!!!!!
[22:48]	<Zombiebaron>	when, even
[22:48]	<Boomsta|Drag>	Was it still sending it to the channel?
[22:49]	<theob>	Tayor, give up on msn, it's a lost cause!:P
[22:49]	-->|	Jets has joined #uncyclopedia
[22:49]	<DrSkullthumper>	When you're a Je
[22:49]	<ZombieDudeMan>	Boomsta|Drag: the chanel was unmuted in act XV
[22:49]	<DrSkullthumper>	*Jet
[22:49]	<Starnestommy>	yes, Boomsta|Drag
[22:49]	* theob	licks Jets.
[22:49]	* Zombiebaron	theob Tayor
[22:49]	<Jets>	I'm a Jet!
[22:49]	* DrSkullthumper	reorders script
[22:49]	<Boomsta|Drag>	Wow, it must have sent a lot then.
[22:49]	* Charitwo	lives Tayor
[22:49]	<DrSkullthumper>	IT'S TIME FOR
[22:49]	<Jets>	Or... multiple Jets.
[22:49]	<DrSkullthumper>	THE GRAND FINALE
[22:49]	* Jets	licks Theo's ear.
[22:49]	* ZombieDudeMan	revivifies self
[22:49]	<Boomsta|Drag>	I didn't even see them after +m was taken off.
[22:49]	<Zombiebaron>	KA-THOOM
[22:49]	=-=	User mode for ZombieDudeMan is now -e
[22:49]	=-=	User mode for TheDudeMan is now +e
[22:49]	=-=	YOU are now known as TheDudeMan
[22:49]	<Boomsta|Drag>	I was only saying that during the de-voice.
[22:49]	<Zombiebaron>	Lag.
[22:50]	<Boomsta|Drag>	Evidently.
[22:50]	<TheDudeMan>	I'M ALIVE!
[22:50]	<DrSkullthumper>	THE GRAND FINALE, IN WHICH... /reads script/ " Zombiebaron kicks DrSkullthumper?"
[22:50]	<Boomsta|Drag>	Must have been fun for you all, eh?
[22:50]	<Zombiebaron>	
[22:50]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia +o Zombiebaron by ChanServ
[22:50]	<Boomsta|Drag>	NOOOOO
[22:50]	<Tayor>	uhm, k
[22:50]	<DrSkullthumper>	Now for my singing and dancing num-
[22:50]	<TheDudeMan>	NO NOT THE GOOD DOCTOR!
[22:50]	=-=	DrSkullthumper was booted from #uncyclopedia by Zombiebaron (The script. She never lies.)
[22:50]	-->|	DrSkullthumper has joined #uncyclopedia
[22:50]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia -o Zombiebaron by ChanServ
[22:50]	<DrSkullthumper>	Well, that was anticlimatic.
[22:50]	<DrSkullthumper>	Like your mom.
[22:50]	<Charitwo>	that's what she said
[22:50]	<Boomsta|Drag>	lol u get brnd
[22:50]	<TheDudeMan>	oh
[22:50]	<Zombiebaron>	I'm still waiting for Godot.
[22:51]	<Zombiebaron>	Where the fuck is he?
[22:51]	<DrSkullthumper>	Don't look at me, I'm dead.

HALP! Flood[edit | edit source ]

<nowiki>[23:08]	* DrSkullthumper	starts it
[23:08]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:08]	<Javascap>	Cant we just... sway?
[23:08]	<Boomsta>	I've gone over my FU quota!
[23:08]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:08]	<ThePaleOne>	Zippidy doo day, Zippidy day
[23:08]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:08]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:08]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:08]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:08]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:08]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:08]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:08]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:08]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:08]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:08]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:08]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:08]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:08]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:08]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:08]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:08]	<Javascap>	HALP?
[23:08]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:08]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:08]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:08]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:08]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:08]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:08]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<ThePaleOne>	GHALP!
[23:09]	=-=	PrincessSnuggly_ is now known as PrincessCaitlai
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!\
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Javascap>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!!!!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<ThePaleOne>	AHALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<ThePaleOne>	AAA!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<ThePaleOne>	HALPQ
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	* Javascap	decides to ignore all the Halp requests
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:09]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:09]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:09]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:10]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Churchreborn>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Churchreborn>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Javascap>	I am surrounded by Idiots...
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Churchreborn>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Churchreborn>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Churchreborn>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<ThePaleOne>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Churchreborn>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<sleeptyperN70>	Yes...
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Churchreborn>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Churchreborn>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Churchreborn>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Javascap>	Its freaking awesome!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Javascap>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Churchreborn>	HALP!
[23:10]	-->|	UdontKnow (i=evaldo@freenode/staff/udontknow) has joined #uncyclopedia
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Javascap>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Churchreborn>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Javascap>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Javascap>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Javascap>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Javascap>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Javascap>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Churchreborn>	HALP!
[23:10]	<TheDudeMan>	HALP!
[23:10]	<DrSkullthumper>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Boomsta>	HALP!
[23:10]	<Javascap>	HALP!
[23:10]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia +mi by UdontKnow
[23:10]	===	#uncyclopedia Cannot send to channel
[23:10]	===	#uncyclopedia Cannot send to channel
[23:10]	===	#uncyclopedia Cannot send to channel
[23:10]	===	#uncyclopedia Cannot send to channel
[23:11]	|<--	Javascap has left (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:11]	<UdontKnow>	who Churchreborn
[23:12]	=-=	Mode #uncyclopedia -mi by UdontKnow
[23:12]	<Boomsta>	\o/
[23:13]	<UdontKnow>	sorry guys, used to the clonebot style thing
[23:13]	<Churchreborn>	\o/
[23:13]	<TheDudeMan>	pm's for the win
[23:13]	<UdontKnow>	it seems you have some weird sense of humour here
[23:13]	-->|	Grey-man (n=Janitor@wikia/Greyman) has joined #uncyclopedia
[23:13]	<ThePaleOne>	does #uncyclopedia_cyber really exist?
[23:13]	<TheDudeMan>	UdontKnow: no worrys
[23:13]	<Boomsta>	Indeed we do.


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