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Привет, мои друзья.

Welcome to StupidBunny's user page, which will link you to everything he has ever done with his life (on the internet.)

Articles[edit | edit source ]

The flag of (削除) Zaire (削除ここまで) Angola is in my signature and therefore must appear on my page too.

Mobutu Sese Seko - Featured

Magnavox Odyssey - Might need work

Clipperton Island - Currently up for review

From beyond the graaaave[edit | edit source ]

World War X - unfunny future world war article

World War XI - Another unfunny future world war article

World War XIX - Ever so slightly less unfunny future world war article

What the above Mobutu article started life as, written around the time the world war articles were. There were clearly a lot of changes needed to be made...

Links To My Shit[edit | edit source ]

Doom on the Atari 2600.

Games[edit | edit source ]

Commander Keen[edit | edit source ]

Clouds Unseen - a mod of Commander Keen 1

Comrade Keen - an older, unfinished mod of Commander Keen 1

The Worst Keen Fangame Ever! - Fangame I made ages ago. Purposefully bad, not as funny as I used to think it is

Doom[edit | edit source ]

Dead Outpost - Doom map

Hellward Bound - Doom map, not that good

Others[edit | edit source ]

Kill Elmo - I made this years's pretty dumb but worth maybe 30 seconds of your time

Miscellanea[edit | edit source ]

My deviantART page - because everybody has one right?

Tricom Industries, Inc. on NationStates TricomFlagLarge.png

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