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Nothingball is a dangerous underground sport that has caused the deaths of many humans and bunnies alike.

Invention of Nothingball[edit | edit source ]

Nothingball was invented by no one. Nothingball was not invented. It is rumored that MAYBE Nothingball was considered by Cosmo Kramer as a way to do nothing. Although, contrary to popular belief, in order to play nothingball, you still need to do something.

How to Play[edit | edit source ]

How to play Nothingball depends on whether you want to play Street or Professional. Street Nothingball can be played anywhere at anytime. All you have to do is throw a big ball of nothing at no one (or not someone). If that person doesn't catch the nothing, he loses the round. Play nicely.

Professional Nothingball[edit | edit source ]

Professional Nothingball is played as an underground sport, mostly do to it's dangerous nature. This means that it is extremely dangerous.

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