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Diarrhea[edit | edit source ]

If you're driving in a Chevy and you feel something heavy -
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
If you're sitting on the grass and a spider bites your ass -
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
If you're walking down the hall and you feel something fall -
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
If you're walking up a ladder and you hear something splatter -
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
When you're sliding into first and feel something burst -
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
While you're waiting in a line, there's an explosion from behind -
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
If you feel something slimy and it's coming from your hiny -
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
If there's a stench in the air coming from your underwear -
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
If you are walking through a shop and you hear something plop
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
If you are handing over cash and you hear a splash
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
If you're getting out of bed and it's comin' down your leg
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
If you're walking down the aisle and it comes out in a pile
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
If you're on top of a mountain and you see a big fountain
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
If you're sliding into third and you feel a juicy turd
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
Some people think it's really gross, but it's really good on toast
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
When you're at Pizza Hut and something comes out your butt
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
When you're sitting in class and something wiggles out your ass
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarr— Tapeworm!
When your walking down the road and your nappy overflows
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
You were sitting in the park and you flooded Noah's ark
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
When your sitting on the loo and you have a sloppy poo
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
What you ate last night, you thought was mar mite
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
When your feeling slightly queesy and it comes out like a cheesy
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
If you lay down for a nap and woke up with a crap
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
It's really really smelly and it goes well with jelly
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!
You've put some in your pocket and your bum becomes a rocket
Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF! Diarrhea. PBFF! PBFF!

Diarrhea is often unpleasant, but when you've had a very painful bout of constipation and the laxatives and prune juice finally kick in, having diarrhea can be like going to heaven.

Just remember, though, whatever you do, for the love of God and all that is holy, please, I beg of you PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, "PLEASE don't swim when you have diarrhea!!!"

See also[edit | edit source ]

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