User:Mrmonkey72/Mr. Happy's Genocide Guide for Children

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I approve!

Hey, there, kids, and welcome to the only guide to mass murder based on differences written by your friend, Mr. Happy!

Now, then, let's get started. Some of you might think to yourselves, "Mr. Happy, why exactly would I want to kill people who have differing beliefs, opinions, and appearances when compared to me? Aren't some of them nice and friendly?" Well, kids, I've seen the world. I've traveled to exotic locations on wild adventures, and I can only assure you of one thing: Anybody who is not a white Christian is a terrible, ugly person that deserves to be destroyed in the pit of Hades.

So, then, how would one go about destroying these miserable cretins that make the earth into a dirty wasteland? Well, by following my handy guide, you can create your own heaven on earth! Wouldn't that be simply splendid?

Actually, I was talking to Jesus just the other day, and he said that when the cleansing has been completed, you'll be rewarded in all sorts of wondrous heavenly ways! Gifts of splendor... maybe that Playstation you've been wanting? It's waiting for you when you're done, buddy! Let's get to it!

Step One: Words Of Hate Are Your New Best Friends[edit | edit source ]

Some people out there: mostly, the stupid ones: have this wishy-washy thing they like to call "ethics", which prevents them from really getting anything done. You need to be confident in yourself and your abilities, and pull out all the stops. If you don't like the way someone's acting, tell them so! Maybe they look funny? Call them a name! It barely even matters if the name applies to them, as long as it's full of racial slurs. For example, you could call someone a "nigger-spic-jew-lizard." While unlikely that your target in question is actually a black, mexican, and jewish reptile, their insides will burn with the heat of the insult you've just delivered.

However, before you begin calling people out, you must choose a specific group to incite your friends against first. I suggest Muslims, the French, and people who wear baseball visors upside-down. The feelings of despair and loss of morale we'll create are just the first steps we'll take before destroying all those goddamn pansy canook commies!

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