User:MediaWiki default

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MediaWiki default was the first User ever, before Chronarion and even Oscar Wilde. Some say MWD is a Wikipede, or a Spork, or a Grue even. This is disputed, as some say that MWD is god himself. This, however, is not true.

Quotes[edit | edit source ]

Here are some of MWD's most famous quotes, in their original language.

"1ドル moved to 2ドル"


"The password you entered is incorrect (or missing). Please try again."

~ MWD on incorrect passwords

"No such special page. You have requested an invalid special page, a list of valid special pages may be found at Special:Specialpages. Return to Main Page."

~ MWD on Special:Cabal

Contributions[edit | edit source ]


Spork.svg This page was originally sporked from UnMeta
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