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M1EAU is the worlds worst expert on Wales, Whales and Welsh stuff, she is credited with creating the current Welsh flag. She also has the worlds largest collection of horse jokes.

Pages M1EAU made[edit | edit source ]

Pages M1EAU made include:

Pages M1EAU rewrote[edit | edit source ]

Pages M1EAU rewrote include:

in-jokes[edit | edit source ]

M1EAU also created the following in-jokes:

  • Calling England the Welsh Congo.
  • The Cymro being rugby ball shaped.
  • The war memorial car-park in Pontypridd.
  • Walsall (ok maybe that was a joke before)

Blame (is to)[edit | edit source ]

M1EAU is also to blame for:

  • Everything

Blame (likes to)[edit | edit source ]

M1EAU likes to blame:

  • Tom Jones
  • Monkey Girl
  • The University of Glamorgan
  • Everyone
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