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God of All, One and Only Lord of Orvilleburgster, Master of the Seven Seas of Rhye, Overseer of the Realm, Protector of Nobody Inp Articular
Reign Infinity BCE - Tomorrow CE
Born Big Bang
Died End of Summer, 20XX
The Classroom
Predecessor Nobody
Successor Somebody
Consort Voidova, Goddess of Nothing
Mother Void

Jester Charlester Winningester-Zeitgeister I-ster, the Onester and Onlyster Lordster of Orvilleburgster, Master of the Sevenster Seaster of Rhyester, Overseerster of the Realmster, Protectorster of Nobodyster Inp Articularster is--or was, depending on what conspiratorial blogs you're a part of--is the King of The Outer Spacester; the Onester and Onlyster Lordster of Orvilleburgster, Master of the Sevenster Seaster of Rhyester, Overseerster of the Realmster, Protectorster of Nobodyster Inp Articularster. For untold centuries, Jester Charlester Winningester-Zeitgeister has been only rumored to exist in the basement of Heavenster, just barely out of reach of the undeserving populouster whom worship his mere ideaester.

More-or-lesster, Jester I-ster is well-known to have been the killerster of the Eldrichester horrerster Behemothster, while also being the real fatherster of Cleopatraster.

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