User:Fluffy/Channel 10

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Widely regarded as Australia's premier television station for people seeking to watch endless hours of Simpsons reruns, pointless reality TV and an exciting variety of other imported crap, Channel 10 Australia has slowly become one of the world's leading advertisements for what is great about the United States.

The TV station was formed in 1955, when lightning struck the clock tower in Hill Valley and sent Marty McFly back to 1985. Such abuse of the space-time continuum leads to irreversible damage, often for the worse. Hence, Channel 10 was born, with Doctor Emmett Brown bearing the responsibility of ownership. Unfortunately for the Doc, he was murdered by a tribe of native Big Brother contestants shortly after he took up his new post. The air-headed locals declared Gretel Kileen as the new overlord of 'Ten' after she promised each of them fame and fortune, which the talentless morons believed to be true.

Fortunately for Australians, Kileen's reign of terror did not last long; her tyrannous rule came to an abrubt halt during the final of the 231st Big Brother competition when Dreamworld (the home of Big Brother) was destroyed by Korean Fighter planes and Gretel was imprisoned for committing "crimes against humanity". This was considered at the time to be an act of mercy by the Koreans, and earned President Kim Jong Il a Nobel Prize for Peace.

The Rule of Reality TV[edit | edit source ]

There were celebrations in the streets after Kileen's capture, but the festivities were to be short-lived. After Kileen was forced to surrender the controlling rights to Ten, the mantle passed down to Kileen's next-of-kin, Satan. It wasn't long at all before the next crop of recycled junk was churned up by the evil minions at Ten, and before long the situation had escalated far beyond what even Gretel could have hoped. Through endless hours of tripe on Channel 10 and eventually on 7 and 9 as well, the brains of Australians nationwide were corrupted by the darkness and the pure evil that is the Channel Ten programming guide...

The Channel 10 Programming Guide[edit | edit source ]

Here is a list of Channel Ten's current list of Reality TV programming.

  • Yasmin's Getting Surgery
  • Yasmin's Getting Married to the Biggest Loser
  • Saving Babies from Biggest Loser Contestants (an unsuccessful spin-off series)
  • Survivor: Iraq
  • Big Brother: Politicians
  • SuperManny (a not-too-convincing transvestite gives hilariously inaccurate tips to dumb parents on how to raise their children)
  • Bulls Eye on the Queer Guy (A horrific bloodbath of a show where violent homophobes hunt down known homosexuals. The show proved to be a disaster, as the producers often mistook metrosexual men for being genuinely gay. All was forgiven, though, as most other people have the same difficulty distinguishing one from the other.)
  • Pimp My Wife with an Extreme Makeover so she can become an Australian Idol, Marry Outback Jack and appear on 100 to 1 of Bert's Family Feuds and Dancing With The Stars, allowing me to Trade Spouses, get a Backyard Blitz and decide: Deal or No Deal?
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