User:Enzo Aquarius/UnBooks:UnRoadMap/Alabama

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Welcome to Alabama , the little state with a big heart! Now, let's get you from point A to point B (or is that point C to point D...) in a very inconvenient fashion! Enjoy :)

Select Your Starting Location[edit | edit source ]

Where are you starting today?

Reference Number State
...omgwtfbbq? Alabama
Reference Number County Name

If your starting location is not here, then you can kiss my shiny metal butt.

001 [edit | edit source ]

Welcome to Autowaga County, home of the Alabama Trailer Park, the world's largest trailer park!

Major Highways[edit | edit source ]

Major Cities[edit | edit source ]

  • Autowagaville - Take Trailer Lane the 14th to gain easy access to this city. Need something? This town contains the following establishments:
    • Jane's Cash - Take my cash for free!
    • T Mart - Better than K Mart, home to 'customer service'.
    • A school - *gasp*
  • John Billingsley - Homeworld of the Denobulans! Simply take CR-37 to enter this town, though expect heavy tractor traffic leaving the area. This town contains the following establishments:
    • Nothing - Not even a McDonalds...
  • Millbrook - We actually have stuff! Just take the I-65 and you're in the town of riches and cream!
    • Super 7 Motel - Sure we are a large hotel, but where's the beef? (Definitely not in the continental breakfast...)
    • Galactica Bank - Drop your money off at one of our rag-tag banks.
  • Bratville - Are we there yet?
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