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This community has accomplished a lot. We left our host, developed a social media presence, made the site financially sustainable, and finally got the surgery. I'm very proud of the community for reaching these goals. We have a really great team of admins who I've enjoyed collaborating with (except one person, you know who you are and I'm still pressing charges) and a community I love dearly. I believe the work done thus far will keep the project alive indefinitely so long as the admins and bureaucrats continue to be responsible and transparent trustees of the community, and I'm confident the current team will do that.

That said, I've done all that I can in helping the community reach these important goals. I'm out of ideas and I feel my work is done. I'm hopeful VFS will bring new cool and sexy admins/crats and ideas to the team. It's been an honor to be burdened with the drudgery of being an admin and a bureaucrat, and I step down to return to writing, editing, getting banned, complaining about the admins, and living a simple life with my six wives and nine husbands on our struggling potato farm.

P.S. Don't talk about me.

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