User:Dune mystic

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Dune_Mystic[edit | edit source ]

Dune was born in 1300, in Jerusalem, and spent the first 300 years of his like gambling with Knights Templar for food and pleasurable company. During his period of self-awakening (January 1st 1600-about 3PM) he discovered the tru path to enlightenment, but couldn't remember where he left his keys, and so never took the path...
Since then, he has had a mediocre existence living in Australia, founding companies such as BHP Billiten and Legacy. He is also a member of the wordwide conspira---- NOTHING!!! HE IS A MEMBER OF NOTHING!!! LEAVE THIS PLACE AND NEVER RETURN!!
He enjoys long walks on the beach, and making love at midnight, a weekly ritual from which he gains his uperhuman powers of insight...

Templates[edit | edit source ]

Member of the Order of Uncyclopedia
This person has successfully registered on Uncyclopedia. They should be proud of themselves for making such a smart move.
This user's IQ is over 163.
This user is unsure of their gender, and doesn't want to know.
This user is POOR,
has never passed GO,
and never collected 200ドル.
This user would be a professional procrastinator, but they can't be bothered.
This user is a paladin .
Hide your demons and undead.
This user is official. They get all their user boxes from here.
Formerly lost among the dregs of society, this user has defected and crossed over from the dark side. Welcome to the machine....


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