Here it is, a thorough and complete list of my sins -- erm, my accomplishments. A specific list of my blasphemies - I mean, contributions can be seen here: Special:Contributions/DiZ.
Creations[edit | edit source ]
Featured articles in bold, UnBooks or other namespace feature in italics.
Articles[edit | edit source ]
- Weaselpudge
- DDD Scale
- Committee of Letters
- &
- Wardrobe
- Hypello
- Code: Cryptic
- Twilight Town
- HowTo: Use a Public Restroom
- Hummingbird
- Grillz
- HowTo:Speak Dolphin
- HowTo:Speak Chicken
- The Seven Not-So-Deadly Sins
- Un-Bestiary (I actually only started it)
- Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish
- Taahgaarxian
- UnBooks:Pudgic Bible
- UnBooks:Alien Reports
- Sean Paul
- Yah-Weh-Oh!
- Å
- UnBooks:A Million Little Reese's Pieces
- Southwest Airlines
- Why?:Do Florida's animals suck?
- UnBooks:Uncyclopedia for Dummies
- Scylla & Charybdis
- Game:Multiplayer Chess
- Quack the Magic Goose
- Love bugs
- A.R.M.A.G.E.D.D.O.N.
- AskJesus
- HowTo: Become a Zoo Tycoon
- Dialogue
- Macaque (rewrite)
- Pimp My Sig
- Demetri Martin
- Sand nippers
- Ouroboros
- Evo-Devo
- Tundra Force X3 Sheer Wallop
- Happy Feet
- Evolution of the turtle
- SweeTarts
- Constipation
- Chiggers
Total: 47
Templates[edit | edit source ]
- Template:Badcanada
- Template:CubanUser
- Template:User Hummingbird
- Template:User Bestiary
- Template:User Punished
- Template:User Hall Hero
- Template:Finger
- Template:User Alien Anteater
- Template:PudgistUser
- Template:User Fishfish
- Template:User paint
Language Templates[edit | edit source ]
Language templates I have conceived, all on my User Page 4 U 2 C:
- Swedish
- Ancient Language
- Dolphin
- Sarcasm
- Spanglish
Other Contributions[edit | edit source ]
Random articles[edit | edit source ]
- Fall Out Boy (Lyrics)
- Why did the chicken cross the road? (cleaned up)
- Dragon (re-did colors section)
- Subliminal message (personal touch)
- Left Behind (added Plot section)
- Bacon Mist (completely redid)
- Unquotable:Swedish Chef (practically all)
- Eragon (made t3h better, then fell t3h apart after the movie)
- Contents 2: Electric Boogaloo (technically wrote it)
UnNews[edit | edit source ]
- UnNews:Environmentalist straps himself to back of whale to protest bulldozing
- UnNews:Midgets outraged at Pluto's new "dwarf" status
- UnNews:Journalists finally released after humiliating 13-day hazing in Gaza
- UnNews:Researchers discover wrong way to eat a Reese's
- UnNews:Mother accuses infant of sexual harrassment
Contributions to Un-Bestiary [edit | edit source ]
Un-Bestiary Contributions (there might be more, I don't keep count):
- Feral Midgets
- Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within A Fish Within Another Fish
- Gazebo
- Grue
- Hummingbird
- Killer Africanized Giant Fighting Desert Lobster
- n00b
- Ostrich-ninjapirate
- Smartass
- Sugarglider
- Taahgaarxian
- Thesaurus
- Wardrobe
- Weasel
Stuff Other People Have Done For Me[edit | edit source ]
- Bacon Mist (User:Uncyclopedian beat me there. Again.)
- Template:User sinner (User:Uncyclopedian made this for me.)
Disowned[edit | edit source ]
I don't give a shit what happens to these:
Created Images[edit | edit source ]
I've uploaded plenty of images, but I've only made a few, since I don't have Photoshop and must be content with the sub-par MS Paint. My pictures have actually gotten better over time, I think. Take a look:
My company's logo. What do we make? I dunno'...
A rare glimpse at the Yyllamoth, King of the Taahgaarxians.
Bush on a bad day.
It's time to d-d-d-d-d-uel!
Making fun of heathens like me is kewl!
God, i hope i never see this in my life time.
It was nerve-racking, I tell ya, to catch this, but I got it!
The symbol of the Church of Weaselpudge.
A very perversely pixelated and stolen image. Fear it.
Bush has been mutilated a lot by wild animals recently.
Have you found Jesus?
The Pimp Hand, biotch.
The real Creator...look closer.
Rest in peace, Å...
An international bestseller. Is NOT a fabrication!
Ouroboros pwns you!
Environmentalists are @%&#ed up...
...For Dummies, making you feel stupid for over twenty years.
The majestic Trojan Horse.
Awesome album...
Dirty sand nippers...
A diagram of your typical love bug.
ZooTycoon2:Blood Lust
Hence, bloodlust.
For all you Linux fans out there
Another image I am deeply ashamed of