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Oh no, a grue!

"This is a template"

-Captain Obvious

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy classified this page as mostly harmless
Anything you may experience while reading it is entirely your fault.
Höẅëvër, ït nëëds mörë ümläüts.
Quantum.JPG Due to Quantum Physics, some people may not be able to see this article.This article is so awesome that few people have ever seen an article as good as this. It's the whole concept of quantum physics - the Native Americans couldn't see Columbus' ships because they could never imagined anything like that. The same thing applies here - you could have never imagined an article as good as this, so you can't see it. It's probably because you are an immature, unfunny, asshole. I suggest you close out of this article right now, contemplate the meaning of life, and then either (a) commit suicide, or (b) find Jesus. Good Luck.

Subliminal warning: Hidden meaning or influence may follow. (if you can't read this, it may be too late!)

--DaPhinoXX 03:43, 24 December 2008 (UTC)

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