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 yeah i aktually read it 
MUN.svg Member of the Order of Uncyclopedia
This person has successfully registered on Uncyclopedia. They
should be proud of themselves for making such a smart move.


Phasellus adipiscing, mauris a rhoncus dictum, massa nunc suscipit sapien, non aliquet tortor arcu nec mi. In malesuada sollicitudin odio. Duis quis nisi. Proin semper tincidunt velit. Vestibulum ornare est ac arcu. Aenean euismod. Praesent felis elit, ornare vel, molestie sed, suscipit nec, ipsum.
en -L
Thith uther thpeakth English with a really thexy lithp .
en -L
This user is Canadian
…and mildly smug about it!
(List of Canadian Uncyclopedians)
en -P
This fucker speaks English heavily laced with profanity that would make a fucking asshole sailor blush from all the g*******d blasphemy.
en -P
vg -P
This fucker speaks Vogon heavily laced with profanity that would make a fucking asshole sailor blush from all the g*******d blasphemy.
vg -P

YO SOY SUPPORTING COMMUNISMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AlRIGHT ANYONE RETARDED enough to be reading this page needs to know something. we all know about haiti. and we all see the link at the top of the page. Please, just think about how much it would suck if you were the one getting ripped on by ultraconsevative televangelist douchebags. So donate. (to Haiti)

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