User:Captain Noob/Clowns

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Clowns are perhaps one of nature's cruellest mistakes and are distant cousins to the common Mime - science has long been at a loss as to what the Clown truly is but of late much progress has been made in the study of these creatures, still for all the progress made the lifestyle of Clowns outwith their captivity in circuses and children's parties continues to be one of science's great mysteries.

Origin Of The Clown[edit | edit source ]

Clown Versus Mime[edit | edit source ]

Common Clown Species[edit | edit source ]

Killer Klowns[edit | edit source ]

Killer Klowns are the bastards of the clown world - which is quite an impressive achievement..

Happy Clowns[edit | edit source ]

this rare photograph shows a Happy Clown showing surprise at being photographed - the researcher barely escaped with his life

Sad Clowns[edit | edit source ]

"when you're a clown.. nobody takes you seriously.."

McClowns[edit | edit source ]

McClowns - the reason people hate clowns

Political Clowns[edit | edit source ]

here we see a Political Clown in its native environment - unlike many clowns Political Clowns love to be photographed as can be seen by the waving of hands

Clown Society[edit | edit source ]

Diet[edit | edit source ]

Mating Rituals[edit | edit source ]

Territorial Displays[edit | edit source ]

Clown Aggression[edit | edit source ]

Clowns In Captivity[edit | edit source ]

Controversy[edit | edit source ]

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