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What's up?
Clock.gif This user has been on Uncyclopedia for
14 years, 2 months and 28 days.

typo-0 This user does not understand Typo and hates people that speak it because they're all annoying foreigners.
en -N
This user is a native speaker of English .
en -N
fr -F
This user got an F in Français and likes their native language better (if they have one).
fr -F
cpp -2
This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of C++ .
cpp -2
This user is a Registered User and they can upload images and move pages, whoopdie freakin doo.
This user is American
…and unabashedly proud of it!
(List of American Uncyclopedians)
This user uses Windows because they can't get enough of your lover.
This user knows the answer to Life , the Universe , and Everything .
The Newspaper That Openly Admits Its Liberal And Conservative Biases!

"Teach a man to reason, and he'll think for a lifetime."

This user is quite literally the greatest user ever, and all the other users should sit down and let him be so great. My signature should have been evidence enough of this, but some people just don't learn.

About me[edit | edit source ]

I will probably mostly bother with editing stuff to make everyone else look less retarded.

I have experience from Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Dramatica, too. Fuck them, though.

Contributions[edit | edit source ]

Shit I made[edit | edit source ]

  • Bespin: Working on expanding it

Shit I largely rewrote or am in the process of rewriting[edit | edit source ]

  • Greedo: Previously was a stub in which someone decided to copy a nonsense section and paste it over and over throughout the article.
  • Bassoon: Rewrote to save from VFD.
  • Fidel Castro's Hurricane Cannon: Rewrote to save from VFD.

Shit I helped out with[edit | edit source ]

Here's another header[edit | edit source ]

No reason[edit | edit source ]

I just feel like it.[edit | edit source ]

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