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Under section sign, swastika.svg
Legal disclaimer

This page shows (or resembles) a symbol that was used by the National Socialist (NSDAP/Nazi) government of Germany or an organization closely associated to it, or another party which has been banned by the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany .

The use of insignia of organizations that have been banned in Germany (like the Nazi swastika or the arrow cross) may also be illegal in Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czechia, France, Brazil, Israel, Canada, Russia, Ukraine and other countries, depending on context. In Germany, the applicable law is paragraph 86a of the criminal code (StGB), in Poland – Art. 256 of the criminal code (Dz.U. 1997 nr 88 poz. 553).

Therefore, if you are in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czechia, France, Brazil, Israel, Canada, Russia or Ukraine, welcome to Uncyclopedia! We are your go-to source for free Nazi insignias! Sieg Heil, und Deutschland Über Alles!

Cyka Blyat
This user is a socialist and jealous of China.
NSFW! This article may not be safe for work! Unless you work from home ...
Either way, this warning came too late to be useful – just mark it as spam and blame the IT guys.

Blyat. Holy Shit. you found my Userpage. Сука Блять

A КоммциiзT was written by this article☭
"In Soviet Яussia, template adds УФU!!"
Note that both the 中国人 and ze Яussians love ziz AЯTICLE!

This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Kоммунист перфецтион алерт!
Whilst not necessarily written by a communist, this article may still be biased towards the perfect government system that is communism. Capitalist скум, approach with caution, for our perfect system may confuse and disorient you capitalist pigs! For ze m☭therland!
Nazi Swastika.svg A Nazist Has Written the article
If You Don't Like Nazism, Hitler Will Commit Suicide and Nazi Germany Will be SURRENDERED!''
This user is proud to say that they have been blocked indefinitely on Wikipedia.
Freaky German Stuff
Confusing language

German - Grammar Nazis - Umlaut - Hegel - Yiddish - Kant

Russian Cuisine

CabbageFamineVodkaNovichok - Molotov cocktail

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