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Angelina Jolie - free of society's stigma of incest, now unibrow advocate

A unibrow or facial bush-baby, also medically known as a one giant eyebrow, refers to a "confluence of eyebrows"; i.e. the presence of lush, abundant, unending, unyielding hair between the eyebrows, so that they seem to converge to form one long lush thick band of hair - hence the name uni (or one) and brow (meaning eyebrow). In extreme cases, the hair can be so thick that the unibrow (or bush-baby) can act as a sun shade, deflecting harmfull glare from the eyes of the fortunate few.

The word unibrow is now in the Oxford English Dictionary,. Medical dictionaries, such as Sikon's Medical Dictionary, now contains the words freakish and frightening in conjunction with the definition of unibrow.

Beauty culture[edit | edit source ]

In the white world, a unibrow afflicted person is viewed as fierce, overly-serious, an unerring sense of determination and someone that you really don't want to mess with. Because they aren't pretty.): >

In 2010, the United States Census will include a classification category that people may chose to check off indicating if they have a unibrow, or as it is referred to in politically correct circles a monobrow. This will be the first count of the eyebrow challenged in the world.

Among Western women, the region between the brows is often plucked, waxed, shaved, or treated with Electrolysis or other forms of defoliants such as Agent Orange. Unibrow separation is often the only form of eyebrow grooming (a stereotypically feminine behavior) among men, save for Groucho Marx who attempted to make electrical tape eyebrows as an accepted form of personal expression.

However, in some non-Western cultures this facial hair does not have a stigma, and may even be seen as a sign of feminine beauty, as in Russia or in Iran, where connected eyebrows are a sign of virginity and a large dowry of goats.

Frida Kahlo, Mexican artist and lead ABBA singer often depicted herself with an exaggerated unibrow and a thin mustache, which was seen as a sign of support for post-menopausal women.

Bert, from the popular television show Sesame Street, was a hairy Assyrian.

The term also show up in various high school albums, with many school students vying to see who w0;ill be crowned "Best-Unibrow" for their graduating class.

There have apparently been no serious scientific studies of the unibrow in culture or whether certain are more prone to developing a unibrow or not (or less likely to pluck them or not).

Science and superstition[edit | edit source ]

Medically, some disorders, particularly genetic ugliness could be associated with unibrows. However, the vast majority of persons with a unibrow have no such condition, and the connection to beauty is wildly exaggerated in the popular imagination of those ugly people.

Unibrows have been the subject of various misconceptions and superstitions. Victorian criminologists Sir Arthur Godfry identified unibrows as a sign of criminality, however he was executed when he discovered that Queen Victoria herself had a unibrow.

In earlier times they were associated with werewolves - which have hair everywhere.

Angela Lansbury - a spokesperson for the American Association of Unibrow Enabled (AAUE) states: "Beware of windfallen apples and of men whose eyebrows fail to conjoin - they make not the most faithful mates!"

Sir Unibrow MBE, CBE, OBE. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Species that have unibrows[edit | edit source ]

Few humans, other than the ones mentioned, have them. Since it is a non-human trait, humans that do have unibrows are often considered to be fucking ugly by fellow humans. The unibrow is a common characteristic of the species Primatus Slavonicus, also known as Slavs or Slavic people or East Europeans, all of whom have unibrows.

Ray Mears' Unibrow[edit | edit source ]

Full Article- Ray Mears' Unibrow

By far, the most successful unibrow is Ray Mears'. His monobrow has appeared in films, television, and radio (Wake Up to Wogan). Ray Mears' Unibrow has been named the most influential anatomical feature every year since the awards began. Some of it's quotes are quoted by people. Sometimes. Really, you should hear them.

See also:[edit | edit source ]

Famous People with Famouser Facial Hair
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