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[画像:Pencil Logo.png] Welcome to the Undictionary , an ick!tionary of all things best left unsaid.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z *

Y[edit | edit source ]

Y[edit | edit source ]

A small, close-up picture of someone's butt. Censors decided to cut it to the size of a letter, to protect the children. Must not be confused with a cleavage.

Y2K[edit | edit source ]

Y2K stands for "Yet, 2sdays Kill" and was a catastrophic calamity that occurred in 2000. In the late 20th Century, only the last two digits of years were stored in computers. For some reason, this failed to prevent Tuesdays (abbreviated "2sdays") from killing random and innocent civilians. No one anticipated this and so they were totally unprepared for what was to come. Except for those who went out and stocked up on bottled water in preparation. Those people were prepared.

The good side of Y2K: It gave Peter Gibbons a reason to be hired by Initech and all Office Space fans are very happy about that. It also gave the media something to bitch about on slow news days.

Y2K is not to be confused with MBA. No one ever does because they have nothing to do with each other.

Yacht[edit | edit source ]

One of the most ridiculous words in the English language. Though spelled as though it should rhyme with 'thatched' it's actually pronounced 'concertina'. It refers to the soft underbelly of a household cat. If you want to know about yachts, hang out in doctor's waiting rooms. Copies of Which Fucking Yacht, Which PDA and Which Small Caribbean Country are always available to make you feel small.

Alphabetical Order[edit | edit source ]

The arrangement of words, phrases, names, and anything else made up of the twenty-nine characters (letters) in the English alphabet, in a precise order. The order was created by kindergarteners who decided to write a song arranging these letters in a specific order (the phrase "Now I know my ABC's. Next time won't you sing with me?" was later added by kindergarten teachers who thought their students weren't smart enough to memorize the song without that playful ending). That order is decided by taking the first letter in every word and arranging them in the order they are arranged in in the song. If these letters happen to be the same, then you proceed to the second letter, etc. For some reason, blank spaces come before "A," and punctuation and numbers are allowed into the order. All words in the English language can be found in perfect alphabetical order in a common dictionary.

Yacc[edit | edit source ]

A UNIX tool to compile Yaks

Yahoo![edit | edit source ]

A shout of excitement about bad email service.

Yak[edit | edit source ]

A large, hairy, cow-like animal that lives in the Himalayas and talks too much, mainly to Yetis.

Yam[edit | edit source ]

The word 'jam' - in Swedish. ALSO: "exist", in Popeye-speak.

Also mentioned in a song from the musical "Cabaret" about a wonderful sweet potato: "A yam, what a yam!"

Yamaha[edit | edit source ]

Yamaha is a world renowned manufacturer of various products made entirely out of yams. Their best known product is the Yamaharley, the first motorcycle made from sweet potatoes. It has also been said that the first word out of the first japanese child ever was infact Yamaha. The Yamaphone was inventad in 1985. This is still the most sophisticated instrument made of root vegatables.

Yank[edit | edit source ]

you should know, unless you are American that as the name implies, a yank is someone who really stretches your patience and/or sanity to breaking point. notice the similarity to "wank" see also idiots, tossers , wankers etc

Yaoi[edit | edit source ]

Stories about men who look like women who like men who act like women, written by women who like women but want to be men.

Comes from the Japanese acronym "YAmete! Oshiri ga Itai!" meaning "Stop, my ass hurts."

See also: Shota

Yar[edit | edit source ]

Yar- an exclamation, the definition ranging from:

  • Yes, by the way, I'm a pirate
  • You all are
  • Affirmative: ARRR

Yashmak[edit | edit source ]

The reply that a drunken smoker may give to the question "Have you got a light, Mac?"

Yawl[edit | edit source ]

  1. n. a small ship found around the coast of the southern states of the USA.
  2. Collective noun for a large assembly of people as in "How are yawl?"

Yee-haw[edit | edit source ]

Campaign slogan for former cheerleader, now exiled president George Bush, as made famous in the 2005 roadmovie "On Them Ole Campaign Trail Again." Now a common colloquial term when addressing rodents and the like.

Yellowhammer[edit | edit source ]

  1. Japanese motor cycle.
  2. Sounds like "A little bit of bread & no cheese"

Yellow Jacket[edit | edit source ]

Required clothing when riding a Yellowhammer

Yellow Snow[edit | edit source ]

Yellow snow is a property of winter expressed by the following expression, where x = litres of yellow snow and y = personal objections

( x 3 y ) 2 37 ρ ( ( e t s q u a y ) ( x y ) 1 / x ) {\displaystyle {\frac {(x^{3}-y)^{2}*37\rho }{((e_{t}s_{q}u_{a}\int y)-(xy)^{1/x})}}} {\displaystyle {\frac {(x^{3}-y)^{2}*37\rho }{((e_{t}s_{q}u_{a}\int y)-(xy)^{1/x})}}}

  • Don't eat the Yellow Snow

Frank Zappa Song.

Yellow Submarine[edit | edit source ]

A. A movie created by a four person band called The Beatles.

B. A song created by a four person band called The Beatles.

C. An antique submarine which gets more yellow by the day.

Antonym: Purple Aeroplane.

Yen[edit | edit source ]

A type of currency used exclusively in Japan. Exchange rates include:

  • 1 yen = 10247 US Dollars
  • One buhmillion yen = one pound of sushi
  • 100 sen, the subunit of the yen, equals two bean buns
  • The case than is worth the most on Deal or No Deal Japan holds 100,000,000 yen. Which is worth one million US Dollars.

Yes[edit | edit source ]

Yes does not automatically necessarily mean not-no, as in the affirmative response. Try asking your girlfriend if she's okay after she's been sulking for an hour. Believe me, she'll say yes but she sure as shit won't mean it. In this particular case, it means, 'Oh fuck off, you selfish bastard.' Or, when used with yes means no and no means yes, can be made to mean whatever the hell the torturer feels like. Now try asking if she wants it up the arse. No means no now, don't it? Do it anyway because how else is she going to learn?)

Yes-man[edit | edit source ]

The arch-enemy of James Bond's arch-enemy, Doctor No.

Yet[edit | edit source ]

n. a blind Sasquatch from the Himalayas.

Yeti[edit | edit source ]

n. A kind of cheese made in Afghanistan

Yo[edit | edit source ]

  1. A short curt greeting, preferred by the lazy and those who are quite frugal with syllables.
  2. A famous cellist after an horrendous bisection accident.
  3. A child's toy after an horrendous bisection accident.
  4. I in Spanish.

Yo Blair![edit | edit source ]

Riposte to another when you do not believe what they have just told you.

Yocculent[edit | edit source ]

The contents of a sandwich which, despite being unidentifiable by anything short of DNA-testing, remains sufficiently tasty enough to eat.

Yodel[edit | edit source ]

  1. A small alien that sounds like a Muppet.
  2. An english greeting originating in Only Fools and Horses (classic British sitcom). Normally has Boy added onto the end, for example: Yodelboy

Yoga[edit | edit source ]

The habit of taking a nap in a very uncomfortable position. Very fashionable among the intellectual upper class.

Yokel[edit | edit source ]

v. to remove the yellow part of an egg.

Yolante[edit | edit source ]

An outrageously cute Polish nurse at Lancaster Royal Infirmary in Lancaster, Lancashire. That's in England, in case anyone cares.

Yorksia[edit | edit source ]

Some place that sounds like Yorkshire but (unlike Yolante, Yorkshire and Lancashire) isn't in England.

Yorksian[edit | edit source ]

The property of pertaining to Yorksia.

Yorksi'in'[edit | edit source ]

The act of pertaining to Yorksia.

You Are Different And That Is Bad[edit | edit source ]

A popular children's book concerning puberty.

Youghurt[edit | edit source ]

Youghurt is milk inside some jam, and tastes terrible. There are several types of youghurt, like:

  • Fruitbomb-youghurt - A dangerous youghurt with some nitroglyserin inside. Its dangerous, cause over 6 million people had died to explosions inside their mouths.
  • Sour-youghurt - Really bad-tasting. If you drink this youghurt, after that, you cannot taste anything. Its so sour.

Youth[edit | edit source ]

You lose your milk teeth, then your milk eyes, then your milk brain. I'm 47 and my Milk Brain still hasn't fallen out.

Yourmumium[edit | edit source ]

Yourmumium is a disappointingly common element, found usually doing cooking, cleaning, and other activities in my pants. Unfortunately, though these activities are strenuous at times, Yourmumium remains immensely fat (and ugly).

Your Mom[edit | edit source ]

A filthy beast who preys on your father's crotch. Your source of milk that keeps you alive. The one you ask to show her boobs and she does.(Make sure she's hot!)

Yoyo[edit | edit source ]

Hello hello

Yu-Gi-Oh[edit | edit source ]

This is the card game where you must kill, normally using monsters (like your mum!!!), each other until your life points reach 0 or your game is interrupted by giant mutant chickens. Means "Steal the Americans' Money" in English.

Yum[edit | edit source ]

A chant for hungry Buddhists. 'Yummmmmmmmmmm...' etc.

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