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Pronoun[edit | edit source ]

Karen (lat. Papio Carenus Americanus), plural: Karens

Cashier: "I am so done with this bitch".
  1. (Personality ) A typical middle-aged white woman with a bob-cut who thinks the world revolves around her, and she would like to speak with your manager because you aren't able to make her a triple mint mocha warm with ice with 5 shots of soy milk with low-fat soy whipped cream on top (the rich and heavy kind, not the cheap light Dunkin Donuts kind), stirred not shaken, 100% pumpkin spice cream (not the regular kind the kind white women take photos of and put on Snapchat) and 2 shots of rum because karens are constantly tipsy.

In a Sentence[edit | edit source ]

"That lady is such a damn Karen! The world doesn't revolve around you Karen!"

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