Uncycloversity:Course Catalog

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How to read this catalog[edit | edit source ]

First, obtain an edumacation. This is usually followed by a gradumacation, after which you should be able to read this catalog without having to look up each word in the dictionary individually. With luck, you'll be able to interpret the "characters" on this page as "letters" of an "alphabet," which are strung together to form "words," which in turn are strung together to form "sentences." Luckily, for the purposes of reading this catalog, you won't have to worry about much beyond that. Also, once you've gradumacated, you might not need the courses anymore. That doesn't mean you shouldn't still send us lots of money, though. In fact, it means you should send us more money, because we like money.

Enrollment[edit | edit source ]

Unlike other universities, Uncycloversity doesn't require you to specifically enroll in each course. You simply click on the link, read the material, and if there are any exams associated with the material, "take" the exams. In some cases there may also be Standardized Tests, but these can usually be safely ignored. This is how all Schools of the Future will work, of course. If you should forget which courses you've already taken, simply click on each link again, write down which course it is for each one on a separate slip of paper, put the slips in a hat, and choose one at random. Once you've chosen one, be sure to send us more money.

Courses[edit | edit source ]

Course Course Title Instructor
BUS101 Intro to Security Exchanges Charles Ponzi
BUS121 Intro to Business Uncycloversity Staff
BUS123 Economics Ronald Reagan
BUS201 Marketing Uncycloversity Staff
BUS256 Quantum Economics George W. Bush
BUS256 Management Science Dick Cheney
Fine Arts
ART101 Introductory Nude Posing David McCovney
ART201 Intro to Rainy Afternoon Activities Van Gogh
Note: Students must sign indemnification waiver covering loss of bodily appendages prior to course
Culinary Science
CUL107 Culinary Arts Hemingway
CUL212 Basic Recipe Design Swedish Chef and others
CUL255 Cooking for One Reid9999
CUL404 How to cook a baby Einstien

CUL311 Advanced Professional Catering Sinatra
HIST267 American History (advanced placement) Reid9999
HIST105 Australian History (for Americans) José Cartmenez
Home Economics
HOME210 Home Appliance Repair Chopra/


HOME319 Lawn Care and Landscaping Techniques Chopin
Note: Students are required to supply their own scythe
HOME303 Advanced Home Invasion Techniques Reid9999
REL169 The Orgasm and the Ethereal State Deacon Dickens
REL450 Islam and Humor: Practical Applications Bin Laden
REL650 How to Repent and Be Saved By God Pope Benedict XVI
PREREQUISITES: LANG 215 - Introduction to Hebrew.
Sex and Gender Studies
SEX210 Women's Studies José Cartmenez
SEX069 Nerdette and Geekette Studies José Cartmenez
PREREQUISITES: REL169 - The Orgasm and the Ethereal State
SEX301 Linguistics Dick Cheney
Self Defense
DFNS502 Plane Desnaking (AKA Getting those Motherfucking snakes off this Motherfucking Plane) Samuel L. Jackson
Political Science
PSci501 Internship: Congressional Buttrape Rep. Johnson
BIO189 Biology of the Kitten 1 Uncycloversity staff
BIO289 Biology of the Kitten 2 Uncycloversity staff
BIO496 Advanced Rat Torture B. F. Skinner
BIO666 Intelligent Design Reid9999

See Also[edit | edit source ]

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