Uncyclopedia:VFH/The Incredible Adventures of MS PAINTMAN!

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The Incredible Adventures of MS PAINTMAN! (history, logs) (feature) (remove)

Article: The Incredible Adventures of MS PAINTMAN!

Score: 9.5 pixels

Nominated by: ~ Readmesoon
For: 19.5
  1. The article is hilarious, just like UnBooks:The True Story of: Jimmy and the aliens; based on a true story. ~ Readmesoon
  2. Hilarious. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 03:26, Aug 18
  3. Self Why Not - UnIdiot | GUN.png | Talk | Contribs - 03:46, Aug 18
  4. For. I judgified this to be funny. I still do. Gangsta action. --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 07:23, Aug 18
  5. For --Cap'n Sir Ben GUN WotM VFH VFP 08:13, 18 August 2008 (UTC)
  6. Definite For, because I want to see what it looks like on the main page --Mgr. Sir Sonic80 16:41, 18 August 2008 (UTC)
  7. Yeah Got enough laughs for me. The Woodburninator (woodtalk) (woodstalk) 16:45, 18 August 2008 (UTC)
  8. Love it --Sir DJ ~ Irreverent OZ! Noobaward.jpg Wotm.jpg Unbooks mousepad.PNG GUN.png 07:07, 19 August 2008 (UTC)
  9. For. This is a much better article than Gondola of Death. Tinymasaru.gif pillow talk 20:07, 20 August 2008 (UTC)
  10. For Masterd 00:45, 23 August 2008 (UTC)
  11. For redickerus --Moneke 07:34, 25 August 2008 (UTC)
  12. For. ~Jewriken.GIF 06:22, 28 August 2008 (UTC)
  13. For. Oooooooh yeah. -- Hindleyite Converse?pedia 13:37, 29 August 2008 (UTC)
  14. Symbol for vote.svg For. Great! -- REGRETTENENBAUMIS DEAD TALK! 22:04, 30 August 2008 (UTC)
  15. For. Offbeat. In a self-mocking way, which is nice. ----OEJ 15:46, 1 September 2008 (UTC)
  16. For - Awesome. -- hairy Ape (ablate) (Riot Porn) 20:14, 2 September 2008 (UTC)
  17. For. Let's feature this, and have this be the last of its type to ever see that beautiful, beautiful light. --Mr. Monkey Sockmonkey.gif Pant-hoot here. 21:52, 2 September 2008 (UTC)
  18. For. nice 09:09, 3 September 2008 (UTC)
  19. For Faglogo.png talk 19:32, 11 September 2008 (UTC)
  20. For As in the comments section. SK Sir Orian57 Talk Gay flag.jpg RotM 20:27 11 September 2008
Against: 10
  1. Against because this "article" isn't funny, just like UnBooks:The True Story of: Jimmy and the aliens; based on a true story --Littleboyonly.jpg TKFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFUU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 03:09, 18 August 2008 (UTC)
  2. Meh Just not a feature for me. And I am not bitter about losing the PLS... -RA HB 03:21, 18 August 2008 (UTC)
  3. Also meh. And I am bitter about losing the PLS. Not this PLS. Another PLS. You don't know it. It's from Canada. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 03:36, 18 August 2008 (UTC)
  4. Symbol declined.svg Against. - A Comment on this from me would only offend— Sir Sycamore (talk) 08:15, 18 August 2008 (UTC)
  5. Against as per everyone above me. Necropaxx (T) {~} 21:06, Aug 18
  6. Against because using Microsoft Paint doesn't automatically make your pictures bad. It's how well you use Paint that matters. Taco Wiz 22:17, 21 August 2008 (UTC)
  7. Against Not for me. Sorry. Mr N MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 23:50, Aug 31
  8. Against Sorry but it doesn't seem very funny and it's really short...I laughed maybe once but it doesn't deserve the front page. Hobo bob9:38, 31 August 2008 (UTC)
  9. Against. Lt. High Gen. Grue The Few The Proud, The Marines 21:49, 2 September 2008 (UTC)
  10. Symbol declined.svg Against.. --ScottBurnan 15:05, 13 September 2008 (UTC)
Converted to web-comic, fixed a bit of prose, and modified a line a bit to reference another web-comic. Still the same thing, but a wee bit betterer. - UnIdiot | GUN.png | Talk | Contribs - 14:55, Aug 18
  • i've come back to this several times intending to make up my mind. i cannot. therefore, pointless abstain. Sir Gerrycheevers Gun Talk 13:22, 9 September 2008 (UTC)
  • Comment. I can't make up my mind. But being fersnickety I'm pretty sure you should at least give a coupple links, as it's a dead end. Abstain SK Sir Orian57 Talk Gay flag.jpg RotM 19:47 11 September 2008
Just added some links, I'm not sure how I missed that before... – Preceding unsigned comment added by The UnIdiot (talk • contribs)
You also forgot to sign. And what the heck, I'll vote for, It make me chuckle. SK Sir Orian57 Talk Gay flag.jpg RotM 20:27 11 September 2008
Wow, I suck - UnIdiot | GUN.png | Talk | Contribs - 20:36, Sep 11


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Ninjastar.svg Featured. ~Jewriken.GIF 07:30, 19 September 2008 (UTC)
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