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Kamasutra (history, logs) (feature) (remove)

Article: Kamasutra

Score: 4.5

Nominated by: Hali 11:51, August 13, 2010 (UTC)
For: 8
  1. For. Hali 11:55, August 13, 2010 (UTC)
  2. For. -- mowgli 12:20, August 13, 2010 (UTC)
  3. Symbol for vote.svg For.COCK WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [23:17 13 August 2010]
  4. Symbol for vote.svg For. GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Man on Fire CUN |IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 06:33, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
  5. Sexy girls logo.png CENSORED Sir Socky Sexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk) Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotY PotM WotM 11:47, 14 August 2010
  6. Weak for. I got a bit tired of the "censored" thing after a while, but it's still good enough.--HM (T) 21:51, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
  7. For. Littleboyonly.jpg TKFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFUU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFU Jewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 19:33, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
  8. For. I enjoyed this take on kamasutra, though I found it a tad juvenile at points (not always bad) S3ahawk 20:32, August 17, 2010 (UTC)
Against: 3.5
  1. Against. Meh, it lacks substance. 01:50, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
  2. Against. Don't see it as a feature as it stands. Seems a good few edits away from the finished product. Laurels.gif RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 21:40, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
  3. Again 'em This topic has such an in-depth base to work from and share with our readers. This page tries but doesn't do it justice, imnho. Aleister 18:57 16 8
  4. Meh. Kind of bland for my tastes. Megaman126512 06:12, August 17, 2010 (UTC)


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Information.svg The nomination was not successful. 32% +4.5 ~ Mordillo where is my MONKEY SHIT?
This article did not pass VFH and was removed on 10:34, August 25, 2010 (UTC). This page is now archived; do not edit it, it will have no effect.
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