Let's get another review now. I've added some more stuff to this article, and am looking for another Pee Review..Thanks! -Razorflame Flame war.jpg (contributions) Talk 22:34, 11 November 2007 (UTC)
- You have to get rid of the previous review, first. Move UU's review to the talk page of Haunted. Le Cejak • <-> 22:59, 11 November 2007 (UTC)
Already have. -Razorflame Flame war.jpg (contributions) Talk 23:00, 11 November 2007 (UTC)
It's much better now. My main suggestion would be a rework of the episode list section. First of all, it might be better to rename it "Descriptions of several episodes"; that way you won't have to worry about writing a description for every single episode and you'll be able to focus in more on key ones. Some of the episode descriptions are pretty funny, but episodes 5 and 6 are pretty weak, and the "Failed Attempts" section is much funnier. I think this is because the "Failed Attempts" section focuses more on the individual mishaps of the crew rather than the sexual experiences with the ghosts; perhaps if you put more of an emphasis on the embarassing accidents of the crew in the episode descriptions they would be a bit more effective.
I haven't seen this show, but I enjoyed the article anyway.
Prose and formatting:
No typos that I noticed.
Good pics. The one of the ghost with a cell phone was a bit cartoony, but it's forgivable.
The captions of some of the pictures were really quite funny, and I think had some great potential to be more than just captions. Remember when I suggested reworking the episode summaries? I think it would work well if you encorporated some of the ideas from your pictures into the episode summaries. For example, the ghost with the phone. You could say that, in one episode, they went into a building and ghosts were calling them, tapping them on the shoulders, and screaming in their ears the entire time they were in the building, but none of them noticed, and they concluding that the building wasn't haunted. There's some potential for the "breaking and entering" thing too--I think that idea warrants an episode summary.
Final Score:
Good job! Your edits to the article made quite a noticable improvement. Keep it up!
THE 23:47, 11 November 2007 (UTC)
Additional comment: a definite improvement Razorflame, and I'd have made a similar review to the above. There's maybe a couple too many juvenile sex related jokes in there for my personal tastes ("'accidentally' raped", "punched in the vagina", "the best part is when I have sex with a ghost" etc etc), but that may be just me, and as I say, the rest is a lot better. You're really finding your feet here, aren't you? --Sir Under User ( Hi , How Are You? ) VFH KUN 09:55, 12 November 2007 (UTC)
I'm really trying hard to make this article worth it. -Razorflame Flame war.jpg (contributions) Talk 15:43, 12 November 2007 (UTC)