UnNews:Increase in Misleading Graphs; Study Says

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25 January 2007

As you can see, this graph clearly shows the number of misleading graphs in the past three years.

Today, a study revealed its conclusion following hours of Internet research. There has definitely been an increase in the number of misleading graphs on the Internet over the years. The main research tool was Google Images, for which google is now suing them for the lab coats on their backs. The leader of the study commented "This is outrageous, we were just trying to do research to better humanity" and "it doesn't matter" because "we don't wear lab coats anyhow". Google replied that when they won, they would make the scientists wear lab coats, and then rip them off.

When congress was informed of the results of the study, they immediately and thoroughly inspected every single one of the 782534 graphs that they have in their library, just to make sure it was running as smoothly as it had since George Bush was elected. One congressmen said "Well, yes indeed, we think it is very important to check these graphs, but none of us wanted to do it. What was that? Yes I know that we are true congressmen, so anyway, we decided unanimously that Colin Powell should do it, although nobody really knows what happened to him, so we then ordered Donald Rumsfeld, who we told, 'It's for freedom!', and he gladly did it".

Independent organizations have also been blamed for this catastrophe, but off-loaded the blame to the US government, who put the blame on Al-Qaeda and Iraq, who then gave it to the Canadians. The Canadians have not given the blame to anyone yet, so they can expect a full-out invasion in the near future.

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