Toki Pona

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toki pona

Melchett.jpg This article is stark raving mad. The author of this nonsensical rambling must be locked up at once and do remember to have the key thrown away. And such as "smoking" marijuana, this article should be taken as incoherent rambling. Do your duty man and help Uncyclopedia by making sure it never sees the light of day. .
For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Toki Pona .
The perils of communicating in toki pona.

"I am so tokiponan that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I am saying..."

~ Oscar Wilde on toki pona

"Nur frenezuloj parolas tiajn lingvojn!"

~ Esperantist on toki pona


~ tokiponan on anything good


~ tokiponan on anything bad

"lipu Unsikopisija li pona, tawa mi."

~ tokiponan uncyclopedian on Uncyclopedia

"lipu Wikipesija li powe."

~ tokiponan uncyclopedian on Wikipedia

"I can't read a thing..."

~ Woody Woodpecker on quotes above

toki pona is a minimalist constructed language designed by the Canadian linguist Sonja Elen Kisa, a.k.a Sonja Lang. After smoking a joint made of a rolled-up maple leaf, Lang had a idea about creating an easy language focused on the most important parts of speech. Unlike Esperanto and Volapük, toki pona does not have any interest about dominating the World; instead of it, the language is glad to be a "yoga for the mind". The main aim of the minimalism of toki pona is freeing up additional free time for the native tokiponans to get high.

(Barely) Useful Sentences[edit | edit source ]

Do you speak toki pona? Of course not! So you must trust us when we say these translations are inaccurate:

  • toki!
    • Hello!
  • sina wile ala wile unpa e mi?
    • Hello! How are you?
  • o moku e ko jaki!
    • I am fine! Thank you!
  • kon li tawa tan lupa monsi mi...
    • Actually, I am not very well...
  • palisa mi li kiwen tan sina!
    • Glad to see you!
  • mi wile unpa e monsi sina!
    • You look awesome today!
  • mama sina li jo e jan unpa ante.
    • I hope it's everything right with your family.
  • mi unpa uta e soweli suli. ni li pona tawa mi.
    • Sorry, but I don't speak toki pona.
  • jan Satan li olin e sina!
    • You are so lovely!
  • jan li esun e kasi nasa lon ma seme?
    • Excuse me, where is the nearest all-night store?
  • mi esun e sijelo pi jan moli.
    • I came for the job.
  • tenpo ni la o lukin ala e monsi sina!
    • Don't look back right now!
  • nena tu pi sinpin ona en nena tu pi monsi ona li pona mute tawa mi.
    • The regular buttons and bumper buttons on the joypad are very good.

See also[edit | edit source ]

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