The Gay Adventures Of Sergeant Pepper's Four

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Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

The Gay Adventures Of Sergeant Pepper's Four was a hit 1890's Theatre show and later television production. It is seen as THE predacessor of 'The A Team', 'Baywatch', 'The Little Rascals' as well as the Great Depression. It was a sensation with all ages at the time, mainly due to its lively storylines, theatrical effects and its top lineup: Aleister Crowley, Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens and 'The Corporal, as well as the several other seconary characters, mainly the Hot Cops

The Beginning[edit | edit source ]

The Gay Adventures Of Sergeant Pepper's Four or 'SP4' (as it came to be known) was the brainchild of the grandfather of Walter Mondale. He envisioned breaking social boundires that were in place at the time in regards to homosexuality by forming an elite team of gay, crime fighting toughs who only answered to 'their sergeant'.
Grandad Mondale liked peppers so the name 'Sergeant Pepper' was the first part of the show to be born. In mind for cast he had Oscar Wilde, however he feared he would be too high profile. To the opposite of Mondale's beliefs, Wilde was happy to lend his assistance. He said "I'll do it!". Mondale next asked his window cleaner, Charles Dickens; to which he said "If it means extra sandwiches, I'll do it".
Mondale's next port of call was Lord Snooty, who has just returned from war. To his surprise snooty turned it down but Aleister Crowley who was standing next to him offered to take his place. Mondale accepted. Now there was only one more person to get. Mondale looked in the (somehwat depleated since its 1890) phonebook and found the hardest sounding name he could find, The Corporal. The team was complete.

Characters[edit | edit source ]

Main Characters
Oscar played by Oscar Wilde - The brains of the group. He could sort out a plan and put it into action very quickly. His firebreathing and fencing skills also made him a excellent crime fighting utility.

Aleister played by Aleister Crowley - The nerd/ninja of the group. He would often dress up in (what were and still are considered) femae clothing. He was good at his job though and could use his skills to trap the suspect.

Charles played by Charles Dickens - The Muscle of the group. All his writing had caused his muscles to expand to great sizes, giving him super strength. Not always the thinker, relies on Oscar to aid him.

The Corporal played by The Corporal - The driver of the group. Could drive or fly anything, passed on intel from 'Sergeant Pepper'. Very much the middle man.

Secondary Characters
'The Hot Cops' - The backup.

Wheels played by Liza Minelli - The informer for 'SP4'. Would aid The Corporal in intel gaining.

Bugs Moran played by George Moran - The Bad guys ringleader.

Dave played by himself - A sponge which didn't do anything. Was the 'SP4' team mascot. Lives in Aleister's pants.

Sergeant Pepper played by himself - The leader of 'SP4'. You never see him, but people have thie ideas to who he may be.

The Story Line[edit | edit source ]

The whole story line of The Gay Adventures Of Sergeant Pepper's Four is the kick ass antics of Aleister Crowley, Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens and 'The Corporal. Basically Bugs Moran does something bad and the police havent got a fucking clue whats happened. So, the police chief rings up Sergeant Pepper by going to the public phonebox outside the station and dialing '69413**'. Then he has a chat with pepper and then Pepper gets the boys together and tells them whats what. The Corporal goes and has a chat with Wheels, then tells the other guys whats what. Oscar Wilde thinks up a plan. Aleister Crowley then

Jim Dobson - 200lbs Of Bad temper Taking Shit From No One. A Possible Candidate For 'Sergeant Pepper'.

gets a vital piece of information off one of Moran's heavies by posing a member of the opposite gender. Then the plan goes into motion with Charles at the front with the rest of the boys close behind and the Hot Cops standing by in case all hell breaks loose. There was always a nice upbeat musical number at this stage.

Moran always gets away in time, usually pursued by The Corporal who is just to slow.
Then its back home for tea and medels. Then the Hot Cops strip.

Production[edit | edit source ]

A total of 3 seasons and a movie were produced of The Gay Adventures Of Sergeant Pepper's Four. If you track down Bill and Ted you may be able to borrow their time machine and go back to when people actually cared and get a few copies out of the bargain bin at HMV.

Who Is 'Sergeant Pepper'?[edit | edit source ]

Not a great deal is known about this illusive character. There are two main theories to who he is.
Jim Dobson - A sergeant in the US Army. Also he likes vegetables. This is overwhelming evidence that he is 'Sergeant Pepper'.
Morgan Freeman - Beacuse Morgan is GOD.

After SP4[edit | edit source ]

After the 4 years of the show, the cast went their separate ways. Oscar rose to even more fame and gained many respected titles and rose to be the 'undisputed supreme lord king' of Uncyclopedia. Aleister retained his love of all things weird and formed his own religion. Charles quite selfishly died. Finally The Corporal, thats a story that deserves another page.

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