The Annoying Orange
How else are they going to find it?
You may want to edit it so it's not so annoying.
Or better yet, avoid reading it unless you want to die!
"That is one annoying orange!"
~ Captain Obvious on the Annoying Orange.
"You're an apple!"
~ The Annoying Orange on you.
"Hey apple, suck my dick."
~ The Annoying Orange and Bill Gates on Apple
The Annoying Orange is an annoying orange. But to be specific, it is the fruit of All powerful Holy Satan. It has annoyed Youtube to the point where it had been forced to give the Annoying Orange its own Internet series.
Plot[edit | edit source ]
Most episodes of the series take place in a deserted kitchen in Hell. Sinners are sent there incarnated as talking fruits and vegetables, and are tortured by Annoying Orange as punishment. The typical episode ends with the Orange's victim being knifed, blended, barbecued, sat on by an elephant, or killed in any other horrible manner while the Orange lives to annoy another day. And also, he annoys just about everyone, except for the More Annoying Orange. He also hates being called an apple. Feeling any 'cheddar' now? Hope to 'ketchup' with you!
Characters[edit | edit source ]
Orange[edit | edit source ]
The protagonist and main villain of the series, Orange is the A-hole who annoys the living shit out of his neighbors. He was grown from a tree in some guy's backyard and was dropped 30 feet to the ground. Orange found himself incapable of masturbating, due to his lack of a penis. So Orange makes up for his pointless life by tormenting people with his annoying methods of torture. He is 18 years old.
Pear[edit | edit source ]
Orange's buddy and most frequent victim at the same time. Pear is secretly attracted to men, which is why he can't attract any chicks. He is also the most boring thing in the whole kitchen. Pear is forced to hang around with Orange because he's the only one stupid enough to consider him a friend. Pear also has a huge crush on Orange, but is too weak and cowardly to ask him out. You may be wondering how he could handle all that time he spends with that freak. Let's just say he does a lot of heavy drinking. He is 19 years old.
Passion Fruit[edit | edit source ]
Pretty much the only female in the show. Orange is madly in love with her and has married her nine times, but they always divorce (you know why). For this reason, Pear is jealous of her but couldn't resist looking at her because she is extremely hot... for a fruit... She is 18 years old.
Midget Apple[edit | edit source ]
He prefers to be called "Little Apple", but nobody gives a crap.Midget Apple has no personality beyond that.Sometimes he is in the background performing Chinese Water Torture to pear as an EpIc ChAlLeNgE just so The Kids could enjoy it.He is 7 years old.
Marshmallow[edit | edit source ]
It's probably a kitten reincarnated as a marshmallow with big ass eyes and a high-pitch voice. Like Orange, it is also incredibly annoying and virtually indestructible. And sometimes deadly. it seems to have an abnormal fetish to unicorns and is addicted to rainbows (Like You). My theory is that, when it was alive, someone jammed a stick into its brain and roasted it over the fires of hell. That's the reason why nobody knows its Gender. It is 9 years old.
Grapefruit[edit | edit source ]
Also goes by Apefruit, Snapefruit, or Rapefruit. He's a fatass bully who used to be married to Passion Fruit, until Orange came along and screwed things up. Since then, Grapefruit has been attempting to molest Passion while no one was looking, but always ends up getting pwnd. Grapefruit was meant to be the main hero, but they decided that the show didn't deserve a hero because it was so goddamn annoying. He is 20 years old.
Grandpa Lemon[edit | edit source ]
Your usual old guy who sleeps and farts all day. He is one of the few characters immune to Orange's annoying powers. Because he is more annoying than him. He is 250 years old.
Knife[edit | edit source ]
The #1 cause of death to most characters. Knife is actually a pussy being controlled by a giant Satanic hand who likes killing things. Orange never gets knifed because the giant hand is in love with him. He is 27 years old.
Liam the Leprechaun[edit | edit source ]
Liam is not actually a Leprechaun, but an abnormally small drunk Irish guy with magic powers. Orange wouldn't give him back his Pot O' Gold, so he went Ape-Shit Crazy and killed himself with a horseshoe. He is 37 years old.
Family Guy Comparison[edit | edit source ]
It is often thought that many of the characters in this show were later knifed and reincarnated as Family Guy characters, shown below:
- Orange - Peter Griffin
- Pear - Brian Griffin
- Passion Fruit - Lois Griffin
- Marshmallow (and yes, its a guy) - Chris Griffin
- Midget Apple (with machine gun) - Stewie Griffin
- Grapefruit - Glenn Quagmire (They can get girls but can't hang on to them)
- Grandpa Lemon - Herbert
- Various apples that gets annoyed and knifed frequently - Meg Griffin
TV Series[edit | edit source ]
It was recently announed that The Annoying Orange would soon become an animated TV series on Cartoon Network. The writers of Annoying Orange feel that they must annoy a larger scale audience in order to bring the world to its knees. After several meetings, a decision was made to move the "show" to television so that it could follow other cartoons in their quest to idiotize the minds of little kids.
Controversy[edit | edit source ]
The Annoying Orange is one of the most controversial things in Finland, and to a lesser extent in America. The few surviving critics say the show is so outstandingly annoying that it might cause your head to explode. According to scientists, The Annoying Orange is more annoying than Crazy Frog, Beavis & Butthead, Poop throwing monkeys, and American Politicians put together. They also suggest that you don't show it to children, or they may develop nightmares, seizures, AIDS, scurvy, the desire to jump off a cliff, or at the very least, a phobia of anything orange.
Hey, <insert name here>... KNIFE!
Either way, this warning came too late to be useful – just mark it as spam and blame the IT guys.
See Also[edit | edit source ]
Banana • Cherry • Cranberry • Fig • Grape • Kiwi • Lemon • Mango • Orange • Orange Soda • Pineapple • Tomato
Coconut • Cucumber • Date • Grape Drink • Lime • Limón • Olive • Orange Juice • Pear • Tomatoe • Valencia Grapes
Anti-Orange • Apple Juice • Avocado • Durian • Grapefruit • Guava • Peach • Raspberry • Strawberry • Watermelon
Apple • Communist Pear • Cocomelon • Orange Sherbet • Pineapple Titties • Strawberry Fields • Talking Pear • The Annoying Orange
Agent Orange • Anthony Fantano • Clementine Attlee • Don Cherry • Lychee • Peaches Geldof • Princess Peach • Sir Humphrey Watermelon • Styrofoam • Utah
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