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uranus is ur bum ok people dont ask questions its a big planet with big dangerous but very sexy aliens on you can vist there but if you are goin take a saw or a big axe your gunna need it check info below for flights }

flights leave from up ur bum and them return in your mums bum soo come ready at poo o clock and you will be ready to go to uranus

only jokin they leave on BEEEP aat BEEEP soo be ready to leave

Uranus's Aliens[edit source ]

The Aliens on Uranus are weird, unlike martians they only have 1 eye but they can see for miles with it, also there anus is much much much bigger than martians because of the planet they live on...AND AND AND THEY EAT HUMANS THEY LOOK ALL CUTE AND SEXY N INOCENT BUT AS SOON AS THEY GET YOU ON YOUR OWN THEY WILL EAT YOU !!,,,,,, DONT SAY I DIDNT WARN YOU

But they can be nice if you give them your leg to eat because then they will leave you alone thats the only way you will get away alive and u cant give someone elses leg or they will eat the leg then eat you both :O

You may reconise some of the aliens if you come into contact with them because they have been in a tv program called aliens stike back,, when you do get away alive ( if you do ) tell the akpwbg (alien killing people with big guns) then they will despose of the aliens some how :/.

If you don't then you will be in big trouble and you will go to laap (lying about aliens prison) because of your actions..

this prison is not a nice place they chop ur legs of to try and use when they try go and catch the aliens who have cheated on there wives :( poor wifes,, soo if you do make it out of the laap you will have no legs and mabs no arms sooo dont go there DO THE RIGHT THING AND REPORT THE ALIENS !!


you may be thiking how we all know this but you'll soon find out


I am an alien and I will come to get you so if you read this WATCH OUT or you will die tonight mwahahahahaha



Zombie Bums From Uranus[edit source ]

The Zombie Bums that invaded Earth came from Uranus's rings - the Great White Bum woke them up.

+1[edit source ]

I'm the first Google+ user to +1 this article. --Qzekrom sig button.gif alkies 20:28, March 27, 2012 (UTC)

Uranus' diameter[edit source ]

Uranus is 51,118 kilometers wide. – Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

Once again ... [edit source ]

Why? --Brogo13 (talk) 02:35, 9 August 2024 (UTC)

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