Talk:MC Hammer/The Life of MC Hammer

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This page was created by 9sam1®

Yes, I suppose it was. I rewrote it and preserved some stuff, but I removed most of the references to Hammer as a musician in order to preserve the joke. The list under "Humility" was (削除) sporked (削除ここまで) taken from Wikipedia. Syndrome 23:23, 5 March 2008 (UTC)
Good call on the rewrite. More people need to know the truth about pumps and a bump. --So So 08:03, 7 March 2008 (UTC)
Thank you! Anything for higher education, I always say. --Syndrome 07:54, 9 March 2008 (UTC)
Also, thanks for tidying up the article. I do wish I had thought of that joke about Oakland. --Syndrome 23:22, 17 March 2008 (UTC)
Most people here will miss a subtle line like that, so I thought it best to hit the reader over the head with the proverbial hammer. I read that other one you did too, North. I like your humor; hope to read more. --So So 00:07, 18 March 2008 (UTC)
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