Talk:Intelligent Falling

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I'd like to know please.

  • I haven't the foggiest. Why, is there anything you want to discuss? NumberJunkie 13:47, 20 October 2006 (UTC)
I think it's clear that the original poster wanted to discuss why there wasn't a discussion on this. I would discuss this, but I suspect Nobody cares. --Strange.PNG (but) (削除) Untrue (削除ここまで)  Whhhy? Whut? How? *Back from the dead* 02:28, 28 January 2007 (UTC)
I suspect this situation has arranged matters so as to create the perfect opportunity for a RANDOM UNNECESSARY COMPLIMENT. *Ahem* - This article is really, really great and I laughed alot at it and it is also high-quality and very clever. 21:09, 10 August 2007 (UTC)

Argument Parodies[edit source ]

Creationist arguments are great for parody. Can anyone think of any more? So far there's:

  • Swearing blindly that ID isn't religious
  • Calling all critics atheists, secular, liberal, etc
  • Assuming evolution is random
  • 2nd law of thermo
  • IC
  • No actual evidence, only attacking evolution
  • Just a theory
  • Calling evolution a tautology
  • Darwin recanting
  • Einstein being religious
  • Hitler being justified by social darwinism
  • Universe can't be old because of thin moon dust
  • Evolution leading to no morals
  • micro/macro
  • c-decay
  • the bible
  • a list of scientists who signed a list
  • teach the controversy
  • lack of transitional fossils
  • Evolution is a religion
  • Mixing in big bang/abiogenesis
  • A scientific dissent from darwinism

Utter Bastard (tc) 09:54, 10 June 2007 (UTC)

Heavy souls, and faked space trips?[edit source ]

One theory of intelligent falling suggests that souls are heavy, and that's why humans don't float away. This would suggest that footage of astronauts floating in space is a giant hoax, since it's not as if our souls would just vanish when we're in space. Squirrels don't seem to float, but that's probably because they are inherently heavy, and certainly not because they have souls. Jesus was very clear on the squirrel question. --Concernedresident 22:48, 7 March 2009 (UTC)

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