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Hockey, which shall henceforth be referred to as Ice Hockey, was adapted from Field Hockey, which shall henceforth be referred to as Hockey, by British immigrants who found the lack of any real fields during winter slightly frustrating. They named the new game Ice Hockey. However, because using three syllables in one sentence proved too challenging for many big, burly Canadians, the word Ice was dropped. (Later, two syllables proved equally demanding, leading to the accepted pronounciation as: "ookh".)

Hockey (which I should have referred to as Ice Hockey.. I forgot, sorry!) is listed in the official program of the Winter Olympics as Ice Hockey, whereas Hockey (that's the other kind... on a field) is listed in the Summer Olympics (although I think I should refer to the Summer Olympics as the Olympics as they were, like Hockey.. that's Field Hockey, the original, and therefore there is no need to refer to them specifically by the time of year they are played), as Hockey.

In short, if you are a North American on a tour of a (Summer) Olympic site and the guide points out the Hockey Stadium, DON'T ask "but isn't that in the Winter Olympics? And DON'T ask how they put down the bloody ice!!

By chance, do you have a Wikipedia account? Gen. Fudgem0bile Head-butt unicorns 04:02, December 3, 2010 (UTC)

"I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out."

pl:Hokej na lodzie

Input this interwiki plz :P 20:34, 6 July 2009 (UTC)

What happens if you lose ANY type of hockey(as long as you are american)[edit source ]

You get cancer and anyone who is on your team with cancer dies. Simple as that.

Canadian stereotype debunked[edit source ]

In the contrary, Canadians are not polite when they play on ice and the arena's seating gets wound up when the opponent teams fight. Canada sucks. I don't care you won the gold in Vancouver 2010.+ PotatoSmut 04:41, April 20, 2010 (UTC)

Famous Black Hockey Players[edit source ]

Grant Furh Georges LaRaque Jarome Iginla Dustin Byfuglien Anson Carter Fredrick Brathwaite Mike Grier Theo Peckham Ray Emery Assar Negerboll Pokey Reddick The Hockey Puck And many more........ (see

"IT"S ICE HOCKEY, NOT HOCKEY, IDIOTS!' - People who own a dictionary[edit source ]

No, it isn't. Ice hockey is the only hockey accepted as a real sport. Änjelajs (talk) 14:08, June 29, 2012 (UTC)

Not an ape[edit source ]

The primate pictured is DEFINITELY not an ape. Have you ever seen an ape? Apes don't look like that. Fucking idiot. 40 angry Spaniards (talk) 07:32, 10 November 2020 (UTC)

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