Talk:Happy Thoughts
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This article was suggested for the Pee Review. But I think it's good on its own. People might see it and get a good laugh. I just don't know how to submit an article to PR. Yes, I'm going now. Nevermind me...— Mgr. Nacky (talk) 10:01, 15 August 2008 (UTC)
- Update; Someone had kindly submitted my article because they wanted to help. I'm guessing. If you don't get it it doesn't mean it's boring or stupid! I worked hard on the article, have some respect. I don't go in and trash your stuff. If you have a problem with the God stuff being made fun of, please get over it. I could have used examples of Shakespeare's happy thinking with all the brooding, death, betrayal and loss of loved ones and all, but how many people would have gotten those subtle nuances? God being used as an example is something we can relate to. I think. (How many people would get it is one rule of thumb around here) I could have used examples of ancient Mongolian leaders or other such figures, but seriously who would have understood that one such historical thought of happiness was that of a bunch of people being beheaded and burned because the Chinese were pissing off the Mongolians back home and they were all out of Twinkies? Who would have gotten that? In one of *my* own personal articles (userspace), there's a whole speech that was actually taken from another article from an educational site about a regime that has long since fallen - but I changed parts of it to fit the current regime *I* was referring to and believe me, IF one person even recognizes the speech, they certainly won't get the switchover about the new regime, because it's satire, it's parody and it has nothing to do with real people. As far as the style of the article, the format that Uncyc gives everyone is an acceptable format and just becuse it doesn't have graphics of exploding heads plastered all over it and has a bunch of stupid banners doesn't mean it's boring! It's an article not a Monster Truck Ad in some reality TV show, so of course it won't appeal to those looking for their computer screen to jump out and play with them! And I'll continue to think Happy Thoughts, thank you very much. Go die! — Mgr. Nacky (talk) 01:49, 23 August 2008 (UTC)