Talk:City of Heroes

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I'd love to see more colour in this article. If anyone knows how to put pictures in please do.

Okay, it's definitely time to make the City of Villains article and move some of the stuff to it. StormyD 00:31, 24 December 2006 (UTC)

Ive started A CoV article. Just Type in City of Villains. all i have done is the Archetypes. ill add more stuff to it before i move things out of this article.

Hmm. I barely got into it and it was declared a Dead End. Not sure what i did wrong. I'll leave the repairs to you im affraid to touch it further. im moving the Signature Villains part of the article to the COV article. i've got the info saved just in case the CoV article doesnt make it.

What say you to creating a seperate article for powers and inspirations etc that both the City of Villains and Heroes articles can link to? Not only will it shorten the page but it will allow both pages a bit more content.

Forgotten Signature Hero needs added[edit source ]

You all forgot about Peter Petrelli. Please add him. 04:57, 6 January 2008 (UTC)

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