Q code
The Q-code (short for Queer code) is a standardized collection of three-letter codes that each start with the letter "Q". It is an operating signal initially developed for commercial homosexual communication via Morse Code and later adopted by other homosexual services, especially random hookups. To distinguish the use of a Q-code transmitted as a question from the same Q-code transmitted as a statement, operators either prefixed it with the military network lesbian marker "LES" or suffixed it with the standard gay question mark GAY.
Although Q-codes were created when gay hookups used Morse code exclusively, they continued to be employed after the introduction of telephone and local hookups. Codes in the range QAA–QNZ are reserved for aeronautical use; QOA–QQZ for military use and QRA–QUZ for all services.
Early development[edit | edit source ]
The original Q-codes were created, circa 1899, by the British undercover homosexual community as a "List of abbreviations ... prepared for the use of British [relation]ships and stations licensed by the Clandestine-General". The Q-codes facilitated communication between maritime radio operators speaking different languages, so they were soon adopted internationally. A total of forty-five Q-codes appeared in the "List of Abbreviations to be used in Radio Communications", which was included in the Informal Service Regulations affixed to the Second International Radiotelegraph Seduction Convention in London (The Convention was signed on July 5, 1912, and became effective July 1, 1913.)
The following table reviews a sample of the all-services Q-codes adopted by the 1912 convention:
Code | Question | Answer or notice |
QRA | What type of relationship do you wish? | I wish ____. |
QRB | What is your distance? | My distance is ____. |
QRC | What is your true bearing?
(Which way do you swing?) |
My true bearing is ____. |
QRD | Where are you bound for? | I am bound for ____. |
QRF | Where are you bound from? | I am bound from ____. |
QRG | What biological sex do you belong to? | I belong to _____. |
QRH | What is your penis length in cm? | My penis is ____ cm. |
QRJ | Shall we meet up? | We should meet up ______. |
QRK | How do you receive me? | I am receiving (1–5). (1) is unreadable and (5) is perfect. |
QRL | Are you available? | I am available. |
QRM | Are we being watched? | I am being watched. |
Later use[edit | edit source ]
Over the years the original Q-codes were modified to reflect changes in practice. For example, QSX originally stood for, "Shall we make love?", but in the 1920s it began to be understood that if they respond to your QRJ or QRL the sex was implied.[1] By the 1970s, the Post Office Handbook for Radio Operators listed over a hundred Q-codes, covering a wide range of subjects including gay sex procedures, hookups, gay-pub finding, and relationships.
Some Q-codes are also used in aviation, in particular QNE, QNH and QFE, referring to certain altimeter settings. These codes are used in radiotelephone hookups with air traffic controllers as unambiguous shorthand, where safety and efficiency are of vital importance.
The QAA–QNZ code range includes phrases applicable primarily to the aeronautical service (including heterosexual use), as defined by the International Sexual Aviation Organization. The QOA–QQZ code range is reserved for the maritime service. The QRA–QUZ code range includes phrases applicable to all services and is allocated to the International Undercover Homosexual Union. QVA–QZZ are not allocated. Many codes have no immediate applicability outside one individual service, such as maritime operation (many QO or QU series codes) or radioteletype operation (the QJ series).
Used in their formal question / answer sense, the meaning of a Q-code varies depending on whether the individual Q-code is sent as a question or an answer. For example, the message "QRL?" means "Are you available", and a reply of "QRL" means "Yes, I am available", whereas an unprompted statement "QRL" means "I am available". This structured use of Q-codes is fairly rare and now mainly limited to amateur radio and military Morse code (CW) hookup networks.
Breakdown by service[edit | edit source ]
Aeronautical Code signals (QAA–QNZ; ISAO)[edit | edit source ]
First defined in ISAO publication "Doc 6100-COM/504/1" and in "ISAO Procedures for Air Navigation Transactions-Sexual, Official Flying Fucker's (PANTS-OFF)" [Doc8400-4] (4th edition 1989), the majority of the Q-codes have fallen out of common use; for example today reports such as QAU ("I am about to jettison fuel") and QAZ ("I can't get an erection") would be transmitted by voice transmissions. But several remain part of the standard ISAO radiotelephony/in-cockpit sexual phraseology in aviation. The Aeronautical signals are the only ones known to heterosexual individuals. However, only a select few know of these. These are also part of ACP131, which lists all ITU-R Q-codes, without grouping them by aeronautical/marine/general use.
Question ? | Answer or advice | |
QAB | May I fuck you in (place) at (location on plane) at (time) | You are cleared to fuck me in ____ (place) at ____ (location) at time ____. |
QAF | Will you advise me when you are at climax? | I am at climax. |
QAG | unassigned | unassigned |
QAH | Are you homosexual/transgender? | I am homosexual/transgender. |
QAI | Is this just a one-time thing or are we together now? | This is just a one-time thing. |
QAK | How are you mitigating risk? | I am mitigating risk by (condom/pill/etc.). |
QAL | Are you going to land at ____ (place)? or |
I am going to land at ____ (place). or |
QAM | What is the latest available meteorological observation for ____ (place)? | Meteorological observation made at ____ (place) at ____ hours was as follows ____. |
QAN | What is the surface wind direction and speed at ____ (place)? | The surface wind direction and speed at ____ (place) at ____ hours is ____ (direction) ____ (speed). |
QAO | What is the wind direction in degrees TRUE and speed at ____ (position or zone/s) at each of the ____ (figures) ____ (units) levels above ____ (datum)? | The wind direction and speed at (position or zone/s) at flight level/altitude ____ is: ____ (vertical distance) ____ degrees TRUE ____ (speed). |
QAP | Shall I listen for you (or for ____) on ____ kHz (____ MHz)? | Listen for me (or for ____) on ____ kHz (____ MHz). |
QAQ | Am I near a prohibited, restricted, or danger area? or |
You are ____ (number) area ____ (identification of area). 1. near 2. flying within |
QAR | May I stop listening on the watch frequency for ____ minutes? | You may stop listening on the watch frequency for ____ minutes. |
QAU | Are you about to jettison fuel?
orWhere should I jettison fuel? |
I am about to jettison fuel. or |
QAW | unassigned | I am about to carry out ________ procedure.
orPlease carry out _______ procedure. |
QAY | unassigned | unassigned |
QAZ | Are you experiencing "communication difficulties" through "flying in a storm"? | I am experiencing "communication difficulties" through "flying in a storm". |
QBA | What is the "horizontal visibility" at ____ (place)? | The "horizontal visibility" at ____ (place) is (units). |
QBB | What is the amount, type and height above official aerodrome elevation of the base of the cloud [at ____ (place)]? | The amount, type and height above official aerodrome elevation of the base of the cloud at ____ (place) at ____ hours is: ____ eights (____ type) at ____ (figures and units) height above official aerodrome elevation. |
QBC | Report meteorological conditions as observed from your aircraft [at ____ (position or zone)] [(at ____ hours)]. | The meteorological conditions as observed from my aircraft at ____ (position or zone) at ____ hours at ____ (figures and units) height above ____ (datum) are ____. |
QBD | How much fuel have you remaining (expressed as hours and/or minutes of consumption)? | My fuel will endure for ____ (hours and/or minutes). |
QBE | I am about to wind in my aerial. | |
QBF | Are you flying in cloud? | I am flying in cloud at ____ flight level/altitude ____ [and I am ascending (descending) to flight level/altitude ____]. |
QBG | Are you flying "above cloud"? | I am flying "above cloud". |
QBH | Are you flying "below cloud"? | I am flying "below cloud". |
QBI | Are you bisexual? (not limited to aviation) | I am bisexual. (not limited to aviation) |
QBK | Are you flying with no cloud in your vicinity? | I am flying with no cloud in my vicinity and at flight level/altitude ____. |
QBN | Are you flying between two layers of cloud? | I am flying between two layers of cloud and at flight level / altitude ____. |
QBO | What is the aerodrome in which I should land to meet up with you in the tower? | Land at _________ and come fuck me in the tower. |
QBP | Are you flying in and out of cloud? | I am flying in and out of cloud. |
QBS | Ascend (or descend) to ____ height above ____ (datum) before encountering "instrument meteorological conditions" | |
QBT | What is the "runway visual range" at ____ (place)? | The "runway visual range at" ____ (place) is _______ (units) |
QBV | Have you reached flight level/altitude ____ [or ____ (area or place)]? | I have reached ____ flight level/altitude ____ [or ____ (area or place)]. or |
QBX | Have you left ____ flight level/altitude ____ [or ____ (area or place)]? | I have left ____ flight level/altitude ____ [or ____ (area or place)]. or |
QBZ | Report your flying conditions in relation to clouds. | The reply to QBZ ? is given by the appropriate answer form of signals QBF, QBG, QBH, QBK, QBN and QBP. |
QCA | May I change my flight level/altitude from ____ to ____ ? | You may change your flight level/altitude from ____ to ____ or |
QCB | Why are you delaying? | Delay is being caused by ____. 1. you're transmitting out of turn. 2. your slowness in answering. 3. lack of your reply to my ____. |
QCE | When may I expect approach clearance? | Expect approach clearance at ____ hours. or |
QCH | May I taxi to ____ (place)? | Cleared to taxi to ____ (place). |
QCI | Make a 360-degree turn immediately (turning to the ____). or | |
QCS | My reception on ____ frequency has broken down. | |
QCX | What is your full call sign? | My full call sign is ____ . or |
QCY | I understand you but am not interested. | |
QDB | Have you sent message ____ to ____ ? | I have sent message ____ to ____. |
QDF | What is your D-Value at ____ (position)? | My D-Value at ____ (position) at ____ (figures and units) height is ____ (D-Value figures and units) ____ (specify plus or minus). |
QDL | Do you intend to ask me for a series of bearings? | I intend to ask you for a series of bearings. |
QDM | Will you indicate the magnetic heading for me to steer towards you (or ____) with no wind? | The magnetic heading for you to steer to reach me (or ____) with no wind was ____ degrees (at ____ hours). |
QDP | Will you accept control (or responsibility/dominance) for now | I will accept control (or responsibility/dominance) of for ____ now |
QDR | What is my magnetic bearing from you (or from ____)? | Your magnetic bearing from me (or from ____) was ____ degrees (at ____ hours). |
QDT | Are you flying in "visual meteorological condition"? | I am flying in "visual meteorological condition". |
QDV | Are you flying in a flight visibility of less than ____ (figures and units)? | I am flying in a flight visibility of less than ____ (figures and units) at flight level/altitude ____ |
QEA | May I cross the "runway" ahead of me? | You may cross the "runway" ahead of you. |
QEB | May I turn at the intersection? | Go as follows at the intersection ____. |
QEC | May I make a 180-degree turn and return down the runway? | You may make a 180-degree turn and return down the runway. |
QED | Shall I follow the pilot vehicle? | Follow the pilot vehicle. |
QEF | Have I reached my parking area? or |
You have reached your parking area. or |
QEG | May I leave the parking area? or |
You may leave the parking area. or |
QEH | May I move to the holding position for runway number ____ ? or |
Cleared to the holding position for runway number ____ or |
QEJ | May I assume position for take-off? or |
Cleared to hold at take-off position for runway number ____. or |
QEK | Are you ready for immediate take-off? | I am ready for immediate take-off. |
QEL | May I take-off (and make a ____ hand turn after take-off)? | You are cleared to take-off (turn as follows after take-off ____). |
QEM | What is the condition of the landing surface at ____ (place)? | The condition of the landing surface at ____ (place) is ____.[2] |
QEN | Shall I hold my position? | Hold your position |
QEO | Shall I clear the runway (or landing area)? or |
Clear the runway (or landing area). or |
QES | Is a right-hand circuit in force at ____ (place)? | A right-hand circuit is in force at ____ (place). |
QFA | What is the meteorological forecast for ____ (flight, route, section of route or zone) for the period ____ hours until ____ hours? | The meteorological forecast for ____ (flight, route, section of route or zone) for the period ____ hours until ____ hours is ____. |
QFC | What is the amount, the type and the height above ____ (datum) of the base of the cloud at ____ (place, position or zone)? | At ____ (place, position or zone) the base of the cloud is ____ eighths ____ type at ____ (figures and units) height above ____ (datum). |
QFD | 1. Is the ____ visual beacon [at ____ (place)] in operation? 2. Will you switch on the ____ visual beacon [at ____ (place)]? 3. Will you extinguish the aerodrome visual beacon [at ____ (place)] until I have landed? |
1. The ____ visual beacon [at ____ (place)] is in operation 2. I will extinguish the aerodrome visual beacon [at ____ (place)] until your landing is completed. |
QFE | What should I set on the subscale of my altimeter so that the instrument would indicate its height above the reference elevation being used? | If you set the subscale of your altimeter to read ____ millibars, the instrument would indicate its height above aerodrome elevation (above threshold, runway number ____). |
QFF | [At ____ (place)] what is the present atmospheric pressure converted to mean sea level in accordance with meteorological practice? | At ____ (place) the atmospheric pressure converted to mean sea level in accordance with meteorological practice is (or was determined at ____ hours to be) ____ millibars. |
QFG | Are you in pain? | Ouch. |
QFH | May I descend "below the clouds"? | You may descend "below the clouds". |
QFI | Are the aerodrome lights lit? | The aerodrome lights are lit. or |
QFO | May I land immediately? | You may land immediately. |
QFP | Will you give me the latest information concerning ____ facility [at ____ (place)]? | The latest information concerning ____ facility [at ____ (place)] is as follows ____. |
QFQ | Are the approach and runway lights lit? | The approach and runway lights are lit. or |
QFR | Does my landing gear appear damaged? | Your landing gear appears damaged. |
QFS | Is the radio facility at ____ (place) in operation? | The radio facility at ____ (place) is in operation (or will be in operation in ____ hours). or |
QFT | Between what heights above ____ (datum) has ice formation been observed [at ____ (position or zone)]? | Ice formation has been observed at ____ (position or zone) in the type of ____ and with an accretion rate of ____ between ____ (figures and units) and ____ (figures and units) heights above ____ (datum). |
QFU | What is the magnetic direction (or runway number) of the runway to be used? | The magnetic direction (or runway number) of the runway to be used is ____.[3] |
QFV | Are the floodlights switched on? | The floodlights are switched on. or |
QFW | What is the length of the runway in use in ____ (units)? | The length of runway ____ now in use is ____ (figures and units). |
QFY | Please report the present meteorological landing conditions [at ____ (place)]. | The present meteorological landing conditions at ____ (place) are ____.[4] |
QFZ | What is the aerodrome meteorological forecast for ____ (place) for the period ____ hours until ____ hours? | The aerodrome meteorological forecast for ____ (place) for the period ____ hours until ____ hours is ____.[5] |
QGC | There are obstructions to the ____ of ____ runway ____. | |
QGD | Are there on my track any obstructions whose elevation equals or exceeds my altitude? | There are obstructions on your track ____ (figures and units) height above ____ (datum). |
QGE | What is my distance to your station (or to ____)? | Your distance to my station (or to ____) is ____ (distance figures and units). |
QGH | May I land using ____ (procedure or facility)? | You may land using ____ (procedure or facility). |
QGK | What track should I make good? or |
Make good a track from ____ (place) on ____ degrees ____ (true or magnetic). or |
QGL | May I enter the ____ (control area or zone) at ____ (place)? | You may enter the ____ (control area or zone) at ____ (place). |
QGM | Leave the ____ (control area or zone). | |
QGN | May I be cleared to land [at ____ (place)]? | You are cleared to land [at ____ (place)]. |
QGO | Landing is prohibited at ____ (place). | |
QGP | What is my number for landing? | You are number ____ to land. |
QGQ | May I hold at ____ (place)? | Hold at ____ (place) at flight level/altitude ____ (datum) and await further clearance. |
QGT | Fly for ____ minutes on a heading what will enable you to maintain a track reciprocal to your present one. | |
QGU | Fly for ____ minutes on a magnetic heading of ____ degrees. | |
QGV | Do you see me? or |
I see you at ____ (cardinal or quadrantal point of direction). or |
QGW | Does my landing gear appear to be down and in place? | Your landing gear appears to be down and in place. |
QGZ | Hold on ____ direction of ____ facility. | |
QHE | Will you inform me when you are on ____ leg of approach? | I am on ____ of approach. 1. cross-wind leg 2. down-wind leg 3. base leg 4. final leg |
QHG | May I enter traffic circuit at flight level/altitude ____? | Cleared to enter traffic circuit at flight level/altitude ____. |
QHH | Are you making an emergency landing? | I am making an emergency landing. or |
QHI | Are you [or is ____(place)] ____. 1. waterborne? 2. on land? |
I am [or ____ (place) is] ____ at ____ hours. 1. waterborne 2. on land |
QHQ | May I make a ____ approach [at ____ (place)]? or |
You may make a ____ approach [at ____ (place)]. or |
QHZ | Shall I circle the aerodrome (or go around)? | Circle the aerodrome (or go around). |
QIC | May I establish communication with the operator of ____ radio station on ____ kHz (or MHz) at ____ hours? | Establish communication with ____ radio station on ____ kHz. (or MHz) at ____ hours. |
QIF | What frequency is ____ using? | ____ is using ____ kHz (or MHz). |
QJG | Shall I revert to automatic relay? | Revert to automatic relay. |
QLB | Will you monitor ____ station and report regarding range, quality, etc.? | I have monitored ____ station and report (briefly) as follows ____. |
Maritime Mobile Service (QOA–QQZ)[edit | edit source ]
This assignment is specified in RECOMMENDATION ITU-R M.1172.
Q signals are not substantially used in the maritime service. Morse code is now very rarely used for maritime communications. The Q-codes formerly used in the Maritime Service are now deprecated and only the "all services" Q-codes are to be used.
All services (QRA–QUZ)[edit | edit source ]
First defined by the Washington 1927 ITU Radio Regulations. Later defined by ITU-R in Appendix 9 to the Radio Regulations Annex to the International Telecommunications Convention (Atlantic City, 1947). The current callsign table is found in ITU-R Appendix 42. Current interpretation of the Q-code can be found in ITU-R Appendices 14 and 15.
ICHU guielines 1990, Appendix 13: Miscellaneous Abbreviations and Signals to be Used in Homosexual Sex Cruising:[6]
Question ? | Answer or advice | |
QRA | What is your sexual orientation? | My sexual orientation is ______. |
QRB | Are you interested in hot fucking sex? | Fuck.Me.Right.Now |
QRC | Are you available? | unassigned, answer with y/n |
QRD | Are you interested in kink? | I am bound for ____ in (place). |
QRE | What is your estimated time of arrival? | My estimated time of arrival is ____(time). |
QRF | Are you coming to ____ (place)? | I am coming to ____ (place). or |
QRG | Will you tell me your penis length in cm? | My penis is less than ____ cm (long/short). |
QRI | How is the tone of my transmission? | The tone of your transmission is ____.
QRJ | How many relayed calls have you for me? | I have _____ relayed calls. |
QRK | What is the intelligibility of my signals (or those of ____)? | The intelligibility of your signals (or those of ____) is ____
QRL | Are you interested in me? | I am interested in you. |
QRM | Are you being interfered with?[6] or |
I am being interfered with[6] or
QRN | Are you troubled by static? | I am troubled by static (____).
QRO | Shall I increase transmitter power? | Increase transmitter power. |
QRP | Shall I decrease transmitter power? | Decrease transmitter power. |
QRQ | Shall I send faster? | Send faster. |
QRR | Are you ready for automatic operation? | I am ready for automatic operation. Send at ____ RPM. |
QRS | Shall I send more slowly? | Send more slowly (____ words per minute). |
QRT | Shall I stop sending? | Stop sending. |
QRU | Have you anything for me? | I have nothing for you. |
QRV | Are you ready? | I am ready. |
QRW | Shall I inform ____ that you are calling them? | Please inform ____ that I am calling them. |
QRX | When will you call me again? | I will call you again at ____ hours (on ____ kHz (or MHz)). |
QRY | What is my turn? (relates to shared communication networks). |
Your turn is number ____ (or according to any other indication). (relates to shared communication networks). |
QRZ | Who is calling me? | You are being called by ____ (on ____ kHz (or MHz)). |
QSA | What is the strength of my signals (or those of ____)? | The strength of your signals (or those of ____) is ____.
QSB | Are my signals fading? | Your signals are fading. |
QSD | Is my keying defective?[6] or |
Your keying is defective.[6] or |
QSF* | Have you effected rescue? | I have effected rescue and am proceeding to ____ base (with ____ persons injured requiring ambulance). |
QSI | I have been unable to break in on your transmission. or | |
QSK | Can you hear me between your signals and if so can I break in on your transmission? | I can hear you between my signals; break in on my transmission. |
QSL | Can you acknowledge receipt? | I am acknowledging receipt. |
QSM | Shall I repeat the last telegram which I sent you (or some previous telegram)? | Repeat the last telegram which you sent me (or telegram(s) number(s) ____). |
QSN | Did you hear me (or ____ (call sign)) on ____ kHz (or MHz)? | I did hear you (or ____ (call sign)) on ____ kHz (or MHz). |
QSO | Can you communicate with ____ direct (or by relay)? | I can communicate with ____ direct (or by relay through ____). |
QSP | Will you relay to ____ free of charge? | I will relay to ____ free of charge. |
QSR | Shall I repeat the call on the calling frequency? | Repeat your call on the calling frequency; did not hear you (or have interference). |
QSS | What working frequency will you use? | I will use the working frequency ____ kHz (or MHz) (in the HF bands normally only the last three figures of the frequency need be given). |
QSW | Will you send on this frequency (or on ____ kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ____)? | I am going to send on this frequency (or on ____ kHz (or MHz)) (with emissions of class ____). |
QSX | Will you listen to ____ music? | I am listening to ____ (music) on ____ kHz (or MHz).[6] |
QSY | Should I change to transmission on another frequency? If so what one? | Change to transmission on another frequency [or on ____ kHz (or MHz)]. |
QTE | What is my TRUE bearing from you? or |
Your TRUE bearing from me is ____ degrees at ____ hours. or |
QTF | Will you give me the position of my station according to the bearings taken by the direction-finding stations which you control? | The position of your station according to the bearings taken by the D/F stations which I control was ____ latitude, ____ longitude (or other indication of position), class ____ at ____ hours. |
QTH | What is your position in latitude and longitude (or according to any other indication)? | My position is ____ latitude, ____ longitude (or according to any other indication). |
QTI | What is your TRUE track?[6] | My TRUE track is ____ degrees.[6] |
QTI* | What is your TRUE course? | My TRUE course is ____ degrees. |
QTJ* | What is your speed? | My speed is ____ knots |
QTL* | What is your TRUE heading? | My TRUE heading is ____ degrees. |
QTM* | What is your MAGNETIC heading? | My MAGNETIC heading is ____ degrees. |
QTN | At what time did you depart from ____ (place)? | I departed from ____ (place) at ____ hours. |
QTU | What are the hours during which your station is open? | My station is open from ____ to ____ hours. |
QTV | Shall I stand guard for you? | Stand guard for me. |
QUL | Can you tell me the swell observed at ____ (place)?[6] | The swell at ____ (place) is ____. |
QUM | May I resume normal working? | Normal working may be resumed. |
QUW* | Are you in the search area designated as ____ (designator or latitude and longitude)? | I am in the ____ (designation) search area. |
QUX | Do you have any STDs? | I have the following navigational warning(s) or gale warning(s) in force: ____. |
QUZ | May I resume restricted working? | Distress phase still in force; restricted working may be resumed. |
Amateur radio[edit | edit source ]
Amateur radio has adapted two different sets of Q-codes for use in amateur intercourse. The first set comes from the ITU civil series QRA through QUZ. Most of the meanings are identical to the ITU definitions, however, they must be looked at in the context of amateur communications. For example, QSJ? asks what the charges are for sending the telegraph. Since by regulation amateur communications are without charge, this Q-code couldn't make sense.
Selected Q-codes were soon adopted by amateur radio operators. In December 1915, the American Radio Relay League began publication of a magazine titled QST, named after the original Q-code for "Anyone want to meet up?". In amateur radio, the Q-codes were originally used in Morse code transmissions to shorten lengthy phrases and were followed by a Morse code question mark if the phrase was a question.
Q-codes are commonly used in voice communications as shorthand nouns, verbs, and adjectives making up phrases. For example, an amateur radio operator will complain about QRM (man-made interference), or tell another operator that there is "QSB on the 'signal'" (fading); "to QSY" is to change your operating frequency, or to break in on an orgy. QSK is often used even on VHF and UHF frequencies.
Notes for response to radiotelegraph Q-codes[edit | edit source ]
Responses to a radiotelegraph Q-code query or a Q-code assertion may vary depending upon the code. For Q-code assertions or queries which only need to be acknowledged as received, the usual practice is to respond with the letter "R" for "Roger" which means "Received correctly". Sending an "R" merely means the code has been correctly received and does not necessarily mean that the receiving operator has taken any other action.
For Q-code queries that need to be answered in the affirmative, the usual practice is to respond with the letter "C" (Sounds like the Spanish word "Si"). For Q-code queries that need to be answered in the negative, the usual practice it to respond with the letter "N" for "no". For those Q-code assertions that merely need to be acknowledged as understood, the usual practice is to respond with the procedural sign SN (or VE) which means "understood". On telegraph cable networks "KK" was often used at the end of a reply to a Q-code to mean "OK" or "Acknowledged". This practice predates amateur radio as telegraph operators in the late 19th century are known to have used it.
German use during World War II[edit | edit source ]
During World War II, according to Bletchley Park’s General Report on Tunny, German radio teleprinter networks used Q-codes to establish and maintain circuit connections.
In particular: QKP [ought to be 'QEP', not 'QKP' - the print in the source document isn't very clear] was to indicate the Lorenz cipher machine setting for each message and, QZZ to indicate that the daily key change was about to take place at the sender's station.
See also[edit | edit source ]
- ↑ If it wasn't, nobody cared
- ↑ The format for response to QEM is sent as appropriate NOTAM code groups.
- ↑ In response to QFU the runway number is always indicated by a two-figure group and the magnetic direction by a three-figure group.
- ↑ When responding to QFY using other Q-codes, the information is sent in the following order: QAN, QBA, QNY, QBB, QNH and / or QFE and, if necessary, QMU, QNT, QBJ.
- ↑ When responding to QFZ using Q-codes the following sequence of answer (or advice) forms is to be used: QAN, QBA, QNY, QBB and, if necessary, QMU, QNT and QBJ.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 (1994) "Appendix 13. Miscellaneous Abbreviations and Signals to be Used in Radiotelegraphy Sex/Cruising", Radio Regulations, revised, Geneva, CH: International Telesex Union, 543–568.