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Flag of the United States.png This article was written by a nationalist.
You should have expected to see this guy here.

Nationalism is often described as a political ideology where an individual shares a strong tie to its motherland and would do anything to save it. However, few adhederents to this ideology have actually done any helpful contribution to the country they live in; quite the opposite, they often have teared it down while claiming they were helping. In reality, nationalism is the belief that anyone that's not from your nationality or ethnicity should be ridicouled, shamed and blamed for everything that's wrong in one's country, even though most of the time nationalists are the first that should be blamed for so.

The term "nationalism" may be used interchangibly with "patriotism", although linguists advice that there are subtle differences in meaning between both. They're actually both the same word, but these poshy pricks like to create nuances where there aren't any to act higher than you.

Notable nationalists[edit | edit source ]

As one can see, this list is full of respectable and highly intelligent individuals that have only done good for their country.

See also[edit | edit source ]

For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Nationalism .
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