Microsoft Knowledge Base

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About the Microsoft Knowledge Base

On this page

The Microsoft Knowledge Base is your first call for all things Microsoft. Any questions you may have about Microsoft products, your answer will be here, as long as it doesn't in any way allow you to use any Microsoft products without paying licensing fees. It has been written in simple English, so as not to obfuscate the comprehensibility of convoluted procedural misdirections.

If you can't find the answer you need here, then the answer cannot be found.


Using the Microsoft Knowledge Base is extremely simple. The first step is t6F206265 61742079 6F757220 68656164 20616761 696E7374 20612077 616C6C00

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For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia have an article about Microsoft Knowledge Base
Alternative option
We have discovered that 99% of the errors that come up through windows are a result of having outdated or unsuitable software, and can easily be remedied by purchasing the latest offer from Microsoft. Please click here to calculate the total cost of your new purchase. Be sure to have (削除) your (削除ここまで) credit card details available.
Related Support Centres
Featured version: 25 November 2009
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