Merry Meet

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"I'm always up for a bit of Merry Meat! Fivefold kiss? I should cocoa!"

~ Noel Coward on Wiccan Greetings
2003 Merry Meet. Don't make eye contact.

Merry Meet is a phrase used by pretentious Wiccans and other complete snobs of the Pagan lifestyle. It is used to assert ones status in the Hierarchy of Pagan Asshats. Many of those who say "Merry Meet" do so out of a sub-conscious desire to perform ******** on David Hasslehoff. It should be noted that even David Hasselhoff has been quoted as saying "Sie bist ein emo" in response to this claim. Those who say "Merry Meet" or "MM" in chat rooms are most notably overweight chuds who have all the sex appeal of Camryn Manhiem in a two piece string bikini. (Although some people dig the grotesquely obese, and they must as many of these pathetic sods have children.)

However it should be noted that if you have sex with an individual who says "Merry Meet" offline you will contract HIV, as they all congregate at Muslim bathhouses and Log Cabin Republican party meetings.

Dealing With Pretentious Pagan Fucks[edit | edit source ]

It should be remembered that while some of those who use this term and others like it have no original thought of their own and lack the creativity and courage required to actually become individualist thinkers, this does not apply to everyone. A pretentious pagan fuck's perception of the world is limited, so too is their understanding of sarcasm and the art of swearing. It is important to note however that pagan does not always equal pretentious, nor fuck.

It is still considered a hate crime and a health code violation to grind these sub-human life forms into sausage and market is as "Merry Meat" however according to Ernst Stavro Blofeld the sausage tastes quite interesting and mixes well with the blood of Christian babies.

Should you be greeted in public by someone who would use this phrase simply smile and remember that not everyone is an asshat. If they turn out to be,in fact, an asshat; you may elect to use their intestines to quickly strangle them as they bleed to death, safe in the knowledge that they will probably be reincarnated as a House Elf from Harry Potter.

See also[edit | edit source ]

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