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Flag of Italics.

Italics are the most annoying formatting style invented. Inspired by an Italian student who was writing frantically during a test, "italics" describes text which is slanted to the right, with the aim of irritating readers. It was first used in the 16th century by Anus Manutius, a man sexually attracted to the English language. In a recent survey by the Research of TEXT manipulation, it was discovered that 46% of people have an allergic reaction to italics and 75% of people thought it was worse than the ACCIDENTAL cAPS lOCK. There are many different situations in which italics are used, but only one type of person that uses them: a complete twat. Don't use italics. Ever.

Uses[edit | edit source ]

  • Italics is often used to indicate the names of things, like books (Harry Potter and the Inevitable Musical), species (Homo sexuals) or Never Gonna Give You Up.
  • Italics can be used for emphasis, as in the phrase "I didn't just fuck your mother - we had anal sex, too". The technical term for this, when used in speech, is "stress", which is also what anyone reading italic text will experience.
  • Nerdy symbols like c or x .
  • Thoughts can sometimes be written in italics. "Why am I even writing an article about italics on Uncyclopedia?, thought a stupid virgin as he wrote an article about italics on Uncyclopedia."

Italics within italics[edit | edit source ]

Sometimes, when someone is trying to be really clever, they use italics within italics, such as in the following phrase: "Billy thought, I must remember to thank grandma for the copy of Fifty Shades of Gray she gave me for my birthday." While it initially seems like the second set of italics is actually just normal text, it's actually double the italics and therefore at least seven times as annoying.

See also[edit | edit source ]

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