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Whoops! Maybe you were looking for ejaculation ?

Why look at this article?[edit | edit source ]

I highly doubt you meant to look at this article. Perhaps you have stumbled on it by mistake. Nevertheless, you are here now and probably want to know what an interjection is. You may already know what it is and if so, bugger off. If, on the other hand, you do not know what an interjection is, read on:

What is an interjection?[edit | edit source ]

An interjection can be found in a lot of places. If you want to find one, pick up a dictionary and flick through the pages until you reach the letter 'I'. There will most certainly be an interjection there unless you have picked up a kiddies' dictionary by mistake.

Where can I find a dictionary?[edit | edit source ]

For those without comedic tastes, the so-called experts at Wikipedia think they have an article about Interjection .

If you are looking for a dictionary in order to look for an interjection, you can go to a library. Dictionaries like to live in libraries because they are quiet.

This is a dictionary. It is one of many species of book.

Where can I find a library?[edit | edit source ]

If you are looking for a library in order to look for a dictionary in order to look for an interjection, I suggest you take a tour around your local town or city. Libraries are rare in villages but there are some exceptions. It depends if you want a big library or one with dwarfism.

Where can I find my local town/city?[edit | edit source ]

Obviously you live in the middle of nowhere. If you lived in the middle of somewhere you wouldn't have this problem. So, if you are looking for a town/city in order to look for a library in order to look for a dictionary in order to look for an interjection, your best option is to get out a map. The map must have a reasonably large scale otherwise you might not find what you're looking for. If you don't have a map you can probably find one somewhere on the internet.

Where can I find the internet?[edit | edit source ]

Okay, this has gone too far. YOU'RE ON IT, FFS!

What's FFS? What am I on?[edit | edit source ]


Related articles[edit | edit source ]

I'm sorry if this article has been a waste of your time but it was your fault that you bothered to read it. Go! Leave! Shoe! Beat it! Scram!

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