Howard Stern
Howard Allan Stern[1] [2] (born January 12, 1952) also known as Hook Nosed Jew, self-proclaimed The King of All Media, is a financially successful American radio bull on Sirius XM who is now the highest-paid entertainer in show business history. Stern claims to have invented the sexual revolution and its mainstreaming instead of Hugh Hefner, comedy instead of everybody else, and is now working hard[3] to become The Bill Gates of Radio.[4] He is a comedy and radio legend who successfully offended every group of people for millions of dollars, while the FCC fined him millions during his career for no reason whatsoever, other than their jealousy of Stern running over every media outlet with his "shock jock" humor. Many consider him the antichrist of entertainment, despite evidence to the contrary.[5]
Beginnings (Nice and Neat)[edit | edit source ]
Howard Stern was born to Ben and Rae Stern in January 1954. They lived in the all-black neighborhood of Roosevelt, Long Island because of low mortgage rates and property taxes for white families if their children got physically assaulted by The Five Percenters every day. His yenta mother Rae "forced me to get beat up as much as I could, or we'd have to move out of the house." Howard's father was known to his tell his son not to be stupid, you moron[6] because he still didn't get beat up by enough brothers that looked like Charlie Murphy.[7] Stern's nose grew throughout his teen years because the face around his nose was beaten down in relation to it.
Much of Stern's young life is talked about on his Howard Stern Radio Show on Sirius. His stories include getting laid at summer camp, but not at school, his boyhood band composing the later Sugar Ray punk hit "Psychedelic Bee," and his dream to be a master puppeteer. After many years of Black Power kicking Howard's face in, Stern and his family moved to nearby Rockville Centre, where he spent the rest of his high school years getting beaten down by White Power Polack Catholics.
After finding a way to earn good enough grades to squeak into Boston University, Stern hosted his own show, the King Schmaltz Bagel Hour on the college radio station. One of the members of the production team was named Godzilla, a giant Japanese lizard who attended the university on a full scholarship to study English literature. Stern and his crew allowed the lizard simple promotional tasks, but never let him take part in the studio during the radio show, since "God-Z" was over ten stories tall. After Godzilla threatened to destroy the radio studio with his fire breath and one of his feet, Howard created the bit "Godzilla Goes to Harlem" which made Godzilla groan and cry, and weep into his John Donne anthologies he loved so much. The giant lizard later dropped out of Boston University due to parasitic depression, and feeling he was being judged by Stern just for being a big Japanese lizard. Stern graduated with honors from the School of Public Communications, while Godzilla went back to making films about himself.[8] [9]
"There's no way to make this stuff below any better. I just realized that I can't even mention here a fraction of what Howard Stern says on the air. That sucks dick."
~ God on Howard Stern being such a douche like the Federal Commission of Communic....whatever that bogus agency is all about, because outside the United States, no one knows what the fuck that is
Radio Career (Without the Edginess)[edit | edit source ]
Stern started his career after college with lots and lots of radio stations, most who realized after a few days that this guy Stern wasn't good in radio broadcasting at all. In fact, Stern has claimed that he was a radio legend back then as well, but since he ended up going to hellholes like Detroit, Washington D.C., and NBC Radio (New York), many have inferred that perhaps he had no crew behind him to create any form of "shock jock" humor for ratings. Along the way, he gathered Fred Willard, Robin Timbers, Gary Dell'abooey, Jackie Smartling, and the rest of a crew that was the population of a small advertising boutique. By the time he got to work at WXRK-FM New York, he had a crew behind him so he could read jokes off of paper, computer screens, teleprompters, Lotus Notes, and AIM Messenger. Soon enough in 1985, Stern finally had a radio show that actually worked.[10] [11]
Stern is currently with Sirius XM Radio and works three days a week per Sirius Radio subscription year, resulting in many subscribers wondering when he will come back on the air after hosting America's Got Talent. Stern has promised to stir a revolution from satellite radio and to diffuse terrestrial radio. Initial steps of the Stern Transmission Diffusion were taken on March 14, 2012.
Small, Harmless Overview[edit | edit source ]
Even with some edgy elements, such as when Stern gets porn stars to orgasm on a Sybian vibrator, the show is family-friendly with pointed opinions on the "attack on American family" from Mars that Sarah Palin thinks is happening from flying saucers far away.[12] Stern has had mild success as a childrens' book writer, hip-hop DJ, and board member of the FCC. It has been said that in recent years, Stern is less focused on his show, and works on more pressing obligations.[13]
Tabloid Stern (Without The Bite)[edit | edit source ]
For many years, Stern fans have conspired to propagate the myths that Howard Stern invented radio, breathing, the concept of angles, the color orange, and Don Imus; that anyone finds Donald Trump fascinating; that rappers make for an insightful and thought-provoking interview; and that Robin Quivers is in any way remotely attractive[14] (as displayed in numerous parody/tribute songs and phone calls) despite her obesity, her handicap of being born without any natural talent (except at darts), her fifth nipple, and the fact that her voice (if heard at the right frequency) will shrivel a pair of testicles.[15]
According to the American TV tabloid show Daily 10 (E! Channel) in July 2008, Stern was saddened to hear that his vacation buddies, late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel and actor-comedian Sarah Silverman, had just ended their relationship. He then suffered a nervous breakdown in his New York City penthouse. American radio personality Don Imus noted, "...[Stern] now walks around Central Park in a daze without his longhair wig, bald, crying, and looking like his 90-year-old daddy."[16]
References, Nice Affirmative Positive References Like Balls of Soft, Well, Balls[edit | edit source ]
- ↑ Will not let you post images of his person, YouTubes of his show, images and YouTubes on anybody from his are up shit creek. No images, no nothing. The lawyers will come by here and take down everything so don't try, and if you do, it will be on you. You will be sued into oblivion if need be. Stern can kill your kids with you there, and you can't do anything about it. Howard has no heart. Thus, no images, no fun videos, no nothing
- ↑ Former host of The Howard Stern Show, and currently the host of The BethO Show
- ↑ A complete lie. Hasn't had a good, compelling show since
(削除) Stern fired (under his trophy wife BethO's orders) The Jackie Puppet (削除ここまで)Jackie "The Jokepage" Martling resigned under protest - ↑ As a circus ringmaster of assorted sideshow freaks, who will not be mentioned here because they are all under Howard Stern Copyright Trademark Law, which trumps Creative Commons law. Also, visit the Wikipedia Howard Stern page and see that it contains over one hundred footnoted references. It is perhaps an expression of Stern's legendary OCD/Narcissistic Personality Disorder at work
- ↑ The FCC and other anti-Stern lobbyists prefer the sophisticated yarns and political wisdom of Rush Limbaugh (professional racist, Costa Rican drug trafficker, voice of the Republican Tea Party, and national treasure of the entire United States government)
- ↑ This phrase was uttered after an example of an eight-year-old Stern's first attempts at humor, "...And we wouldn't want any war. Because we don't want the Japs around, ha ha ha..." These foundations of racial tolerance later in his career occurred in the hiring of George Takei, and becoming a frequent customer of NYC Japanese restaurant Nobu
- ↑ Eddie Murphy's older and less-talented brother, who later experienced karma getting bitchslapped by Rick James
- ↑ This never happened, and there is nothing "industry insider" about this, either. It's a nice little imaginary parody about Howard Stern, and his inability to process the existence of all races, such as Asians like Godzilla, Jews, Muslims, rednecks, everybody just like you. You'll understand someday. Meanwhile, he's only married the whitest people on Earth. How tolerant of you could he possibly be? Idiot.
- ↑ Around this time, Howard Stern joined the TM Movement, for reasons why he hasn't really attacked the other religious fanatics (who actually harm his show even more than you think BethO does) around him lately, because he's one of them. What a coincidence.
- ↑ Doesn't this sound like a bunch of news anchors from Fox venting about Howard Stern on the air? No? Well, that's your opinion. Fox News anchors DO sound like this
- ↑ Come to think of it, so does Jon Stewart. No wonder no one wants to work for TV or radio anymore, and go to YouTube to make attention-whores out of themselves. Old Media is really over. Stern, DO SOMETHING!
- ↑ Artie Lange and his suicide attempt was one of the worst things that happened to The Howard Stern Show, in years. It's probably the worst one, you really, really think Stern cares? NO. HE DOES NOT. Conversely, if BethO more show. Amirite? Oh, I just remembered, people like BethO don't perish right away. From what I hear, Zsa Zsa Gabor's still alive as of 2010
- ↑ Despite his battle with facial disfiguration caused by Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Stern successfully married supermodel/dog whisperer Beth Ostrosky and became the toast of Long Island, New York, christening him as Hamptons Howie
- ↑ Which is usually what Sal the Stockbroker, Stern show writer, whines when he wants to get into Stern's pants
- ↑ Even "the gays" find Howard Stern unbearable to listen to now. Just recently, along with pussyfooting around his own transgender issues, Stern declared Lady Gaga a wack job because of her progressive liberal views, particularly in rounding up her "little monsters" fans to rally against the United States government's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" military policy in September 2010. In years past, the provocative chanteuse would have been a regular guest of the Stern show for decades. Sadly, since Stern turned into a right-wing wacko of The Hamptons, and that Howie is more enthralled with his BethO being more of his kind of Lady Gaga, the pussification of Hamptons Howie is now in full force
- ↑ You notice that Howard will never admit that he and Imus are lifelong buddies? How the hell do you think Howard got into NBC Radio? Of course, you don't care. That's not important. Ryan Seacrest, HE'S important to you
See also[edit | edit source ]
- American actor-politicians
- American actors
- American comedians
- American radio personalities
- American talk radio hosts
- American television personalities
- American television producers
- American writers
- Attention Whores
- Jews
- Things controlled by Jews
- Things That Were Better in the 90s
- Celebutards
- United States presidential candidates, 2000
- Antisexual
- Awful
- Ethics
- Penis
- Pr0n
- Indian philosophers
- Religious skeptics
- People who are heavily categorized