UnScripts:Waiting For Godot 3: Waiting For Gadot
Scene: Uncyclopedia, exactly 8 years after Godot 2 was featured. Writing Godot 3 with no passion. Feeling like a dead tree on a lonely road and making a scene about it.
Act 1
Bar Refaeli and Rotem Sela, two Israeli supermodels, waiting for their girlfriend Gal Gadot.
BAR: I just hate this Gal.
ROTEM: I know... She has to be so perfect. I mean, she's a gal and her name is also Gal.
BAR: Yeah! How lame it that?
ROTEM: Did you know I starred in that Zohan movie way before she became Wonder Woman?
BAR: Wow. I didn't know that. Did you get to kiss Adam Sandler?
ROTEM: No... but I got to smile at him.
BAR: That is totally hot. Tell me more.
ROTEM: Well, my job was to smile at him at the first scene, and then make the audience sit throughout the entire movie waiting to see me again.
BAR: Kind of like that famous play, Waiting for Godot.
ROTEM: Yes, exactly. You know, I always thought that Godot represents God in that play.
BAR: Totally. They wait for God and he never shows up.
ROTEM: Maybe it was about the Holocaust.
BAR: You know what? I bet it was. So you played God in that movie!
ROTEM: I'm like Morgan Freeman!
BAR: In a bikini!
ROTEM: Bar, you are such a Nazi bitch.
BAR: Speaking of Nazis, did you hear what Tom Waits did?
ROTEM: Besides waiting?
BAR: Yes. He recorded an instrumental version of "Innocent When You Dream" for a Palestinian museum, to sympathize with the broken dreams of the Palestinians.
ROTEM: Kommienezuspadt!
BAR: Yeah, he did.
ROTEM: So the anti-Israelis got to him? I guess being a musical genius doesn't mean you are Gal Gadot.
BAR: Where is she, by the way?
ROTEM: I bet she's *SMILING AT* Vin Diesel right now.
BAR: Rotem, you are such a bitch.
ROTEM: Speaking of Fast and Furious, did you catch the comeback of L7?
BAR: Bitch! Are you fucking with me?
ROTEM: No... They have a new song and all.
BAR: OMG! I love that song that sounds like Fast and Furious... Fast and Frightening!
ROTEM: Yeah, that's a cool song... I bet Gal loves it too.
BAR: OK, if she's not here in like 2 anecdotes, I'm going home.
ROTEM: Bar, you have such high brows.
BAR: No, you!
Act 2
Gal Gadot's place, Tel Aviv. Gal standing by the door, all ready for the past 6 anecdotes, waiting for Conan O'brien to leave.
ROTEM: Wait, I just got text from Gal. She says there's some funny librarian at her doorstep who won't let her leave.
BAR: Conan the Librarian?
ROTEM: Looks like it.
BAR: Well, what does HE want?
ROTEM: Maybe she didn't return a book on time to the library. Or lost it.
BAR: Well, tell her to just give him her own book. Doesn't she have 2 copies of every book ever published in her house?
ROTEM: Yes. Wait, I'll text her what you said.
BAR: Quick please.
ROTEM: Wait, now she's saying he wants a copy of Godot 3 from Uncyclopedia.
BAR: WHAT? But that shit isn't even written yet!
ROTEM: I know... I guess he's psychotic.
BAR: How can she give him a copy of THAT? It's like we are in an infinite loop where we have to wait for her forever and ever! THIS IS INSANE!!!
ROTEM: Come down, bitch. I think I have an idea.
Act 3
Uncyclopedian, no longer feeling like dead tree. Trying to please both Bar and Rotem with cunning plan how to get rid of Conan. Gal will be pleased too. This should be good.
- Anti-feminism
- Blowjob
- Boobs
- Estrogen Syndrome
- Ex-girlfriend
- Ex-wife
- Grandmother
- Gynecologist
- Housewife
- How to date an Emo girl
- How to Get Laid
- How to Handle Flashing
Your Vagina in Public - How to pick up female nerds
- Menstruation
- Oral sex
- Period
- Pregnancy
- Sideboob
- Soccer moms
- That time of the month
- You Are Now Almost a Woman
- Wife OS
- Your mom
ROTEM: Do you remember what they did to Conan on the South Park movie?
ROTEM: Bar, please stop shouting... Yes, do you MEMBER?
BAR: They made him kill himself by shaming.
ROTEM: Exactly.
BAR: So how can Gal shame Conan?
ROTEM: I thought you would know.
BAR: Mistake him for an Italian?
ROTEM: Genius. I'm texting her right now.
BAR: Please hurry.
ROTEM: She says she told him "buongiorno" and he jumped out the window...
BAR: Yes!
ROTEM: ...and broke her car.
BAR: Fuck! Tell the bitch to take a cab!
ROTEM: She asks that we come over.
BAR: No way! Isn't she Wonder Woman? Tell the bitch to fly over here!
ROTEM: She says you can suck her clit with your rectal opening.
BAR: That's it. I'm not waiting anymore. Is that an option?
ROTEM: No. You're supposed to wait.
BAR: But she's not coming!
ROTEM: I know. It's an infinite loop again.
BAR: So how do you break it?
ROTEM: Well... Normally you would restart your computer. That's the best way.
BAR: So who is the computer in this equation?
ROTEM: The Uncyclopedian guy.
BAR: How do we restart him?
ROTEM: We tell him that we're pleased by his cunning plan.
BAR: I am pleased!
ROTEM: Me and Gal are also very pleased by the cunningness of the plan.
BAR: Did it help?
ROTEM: I hope so. Hey, there's Gal! What's up, Gal?
GAL: Strange. I don't know if you were calling my name or referring to my gender.
ROTEM: Well, we'll just have to wait until you figure it out... Bar, are you OK?
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Waiting for Godot • Godot 2: Waiting With A Vengeance • Godot 3: Waiting For Gadot |
Norway edition |
Waiting For Breivik • Breivik 2: The Breifist |