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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Chomu
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6703 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

Chomu is very good city near jaipur

Good for it. ~ Ghelæ talk contribs 14:47, 26 September 2006 (UTC)

No it's not. It's rubbish. Probably the worst place in the world. Nasty, dusty and full of sharp edges. There's no eggs on Wednesdays and the cats carry mace. And as for being near Jaipur, try getting a taxi there and see how much it costs you. Not that any Jaipurian taxi driver in their right minds would go anywhere near Chomu. Not if they want to keep their hub caps. It makes me sick, it really does. Bloody Chomu. I hate it. How can anyone be happy in this world when Chomu is in it to, sitting there all smug near Jaipur as if it owned the place? It's more than a city near Jaipur, actually, it's pure evil. Worse even than Swansea. --Sir Hardwick Fundlebuggy (Bleat) 15:13, 26 September 2006 (UTC)

Worse than Swansea!! Good God man! I didn't know those two words could be used in the same sentence (except for "Swansea is Worse")! I'm afraid to say it now, lest I incur the wrath of, well, whatever unspeakable thing dwells in J-J-J-that place... Soul101  Icons-flag-gb.png ~MA REPENT!
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